Saturday, 30 June 2007
Thursday, 28 June 2007
church? Boring? Yeah right!

Before I go to cell on a Wednesday evening I pray, ‘God, please come and meet with us. I don’t want to just ‘meet up’ with friends, lovely as it maybe, I want you to be there. I want you to bring your power to us Lord.’
I’m never disappointed, I love to be with my cell group because they are my friends and my family, most of all I love it because God is there too.
Steve led the meeting this evening, bringing us before the Lord as we thanked him for his goodness in our lives.
Next, Roger brought some worship songs. As we worshipped God, I felt absolutely compelled to pray for Mark’s eyesight to be restored. Mark is colour-blind. This led to an avalanche of prayers from Paula, Trish, Steve, Beverley, Chris and Roger over Mark, Jesus pouring out his blessings over him, showering him with goodness.
Paula prophesied over Mark,
Psalm 1:3
He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
Then as we began to speak about and learn about prophesy, Paula brought another word from Ezekiel 47:
The River From the Temple
1 The man brought me back to the entrance of the temple, and I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the temple toward the east (for the temple faced east). The water was coming down from under the south side of the temple, south of the altar. 2 He then brought me out through the north gate and led me around the outside to the outer gate facing east, and the water was flowing from the south side.
3 As the man went eastward with a measuring line in his hand, he measured off a thousand cubits [a] and then led me through water that was ankle-deep. 4 He measured off another thousand cubits and led me through water that was knee-deep. He measured off another thousand and led me through water that was up to the waist. 5 He measured off another thousand, but now it was a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in—a river that no one could cross. 6 He asked me, "Son of man, do you see this?" Then he led me back to the bank of the river. 7 When I arrived there, I saw a great number of trees on each side of the river. 8 He said to me, "This water flows toward the eastern region and goes down into the Arabah, [b] where it enters the Sea. [c] When it empties into the Sea, [d] the water there becomes fresh. 9 Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live. 10 Fishermen will stand along the shore; from En Gedi to En Eglaim there will be places for spreading nets. The fish will be of many kinds—like the fish of the Great Sea. [e] 11 But the swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they will be left for salt. 12 Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing."
Mark was drawn to the verses in Psalm 1:3
He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
Together with verse 12 in Ezekiel: Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither.
I’m never disappointed, I love to be with my cell group because they are my friends and my family, most of all I love it because God is there too.
Steve led the meeting this evening, bringing us before the Lord as we thanked him for his goodness in our lives.
Next, Roger brought some worship songs. As we worshipped God, I felt absolutely compelled to pray for Mark’s eyesight to be restored. Mark is colour-blind. This led to an avalanche of prayers from Paula, Trish, Steve, Beverley, Chris and Roger over Mark, Jesus pouring out his blessings over him, showering him with goodness.
Paula prophesied over Mark,
Psalm 1:3
He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
Then as we began to speak about and learn about prophesy, Paula brought another word from Ezekiel 47:
The River From the Temple
1 The man brought me back to the entrance of the temple, and I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the temple toward the east (for the temple faced east). The water was coming down from under the south side of the temple, south of the altar. 2 He then brought me out through the north gate and led me around the outside to the outer gate facing east, and the water was flowing from the south side.
3 As the man went eastward with a measuring line in his hand, he measured off a thousand cubits [a] and then led me through water that was ankle-deep. 4 He measured off another thousand cubits and led me through water that was knee-deep. He measured off another thousand and led me through water that was up to the waist. 5 He measured off another thousand, but now it was a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in—a river that no one could cross. 6 He asked me, "Son of man, do you see this?" Then he led me back to the bank of the river. 7 When I arrived there, I saw a great number of trees on each side of the river. 8 He said to me, "This water flows toward the eastern region and goes down into the Arabah, [b] where it enters the Sea. [c] When it empties into the Sea, [d] the water there becomes fresh. 9 Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live. 10 Fishermen will stand along the shore; from En Gedi to En Eglaim there will be places for spreading nets. The fish will be of many kinds—like the fish of the Great Sea. [e] 11 But the swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they will be left for salt. 12 Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing."
Mark was drawn to the verses in Psalm 1:3
He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
Together with verse 12 in Ezekiel: Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither.
How extraordinary!
What a special Holy Spirit moment.
Then Paula spoke about a leaf that was branching out on its’ own. That it thinks it will wither to nothing but it will only curl at the ends. The curling at the ends is just an uncertainty of how to begin or stepping out to do a new thing.
I really felt that spoke to me personally as I have heard from God very clearly about healing; infact he showed it to me in a dream. The dream showed that something would begin in me when there are power cuts in the town I live in. Now, we did have power cuts recently but it wasn’t near where I live, it was more at the top of the town.
I have to admit, maybe I have asked for the gift of healing once about 8years ago, but there are other things I have asked for every day, the gift of healing wasn’t top of my agenda. However, I guess a gift of healing requires faith and that, God has given me an abundance of.
Trish reminded us that Julian Adams prophesied that revival would come to Britain and that floods would precede it.
Well, that’s gotta be now hasn’t it?
Interestingly, Paula spoke of a time when she was at a David Devenish conference and he said to a man there, stand up, throw your keys on the floor, the man did this and a little while after David said, these are the keys of the kingdom and went on to explain what each key represented.
Interestingly, Paula spoke of a time when she was at a David Devenish conference and he said to a man there, stand up, throw your keys on the floor, the man did this and a little while after David said, these are the keys of the kingdom and went on to explain what each key represented.
So imagine our surprise when Marks said, “ 10 years ago, I was at a David Devenish conference, when David saif to me, ‘Stand up and throw your keys on the floor.’ At that point I stood up and threw my keys on the floor. After some time, David said, “These are the keys of the kingdom and went on to explain what each key meant!”
How amazing!
Paula and Mark were in the same place 10 years ago as strangers and Paula this evening had inadvertently reminded Mark of a prophesy given to him then, which I think is coming into season now.
After this, being filled with faith, we prayed some more, for the lost, for more power in our lives, for the church and all the needs it faces as of late.
We all felt led to pray for the youth. I shall write here what I felt God say to me, there were so many words I shall leave it to the others to write theirs’ up here.
· Roses… each member of the youth is a rose, not a bud but a full-blown rose complete with the fragrance of Jesus upon them. As with a rose, they are delicate, they need nurture and nutrition. I believe we need to pray for those who nurture them and pray with those who nurture them. Also, we need to pray that the youth fill themselves with God’s word, as this will be their nutrition.
· The youth is at foundation level. They have all the markings of a tall, impressive and marvellous building. However, they have to have the foundations first. The foundation is the word of God. Without it, the building is not the best it can be. The youth, perhaps, look upon the foundations and see that they are grey and boring. Just as they might see the word of God in that way, perhaps, but we must pray that the youth have insight, to see the potential they can be. We need to pray that they crave the word of god just as any structure craves for a secure foundation.
· The other day I walked passed a bush. It was very wide and very tall. It was a bush that was in bloom and was covered in blossom. The bush was also covered completely in honeybees, so many infact that the whole bush buzzed. It was very loud and quite impressive. I believe God reminded me of that bush as he is saying the church is that bush, full of the word of god, full of sweet nectar. The honeybees are believers getting excited about the word of God and some are non-believers who crave the nectar, they come to receive. The affect of this will be so loud that all will hear just as the sound of that bush was alive with bees so will the church be alive with believers and will ‘buzz’ no one will escape the roar of that day.
I believe there were other words for the youth and the like – OD cell group, don’t be shy, share it on here.
· The youth is at foundation level. They have all the markings of a tall, impressive and marvellous building. However, they have to have the foundations first. The foundation is the word of God. Without it, the building is not the best it can be. The youth, perhaps, look upon the foundations and see that they are grey and boring. Just as they might see the word of God in that way, perhaps, but we must pray that the youth have insight, to see the potential they can be. We need to pray that they crave the word of god just as any structure craves for a secure foundation.
· The other day I walked passed a bush. It was very wide and very tall. It was a bush that was in bloom and was covered in blossom. The bush was also covered completely in honeybees, so many infact that the whole bush buzzed. It was very loud and quite impressive. I believe God reminded me of that bush as he is saying the church is that bush, full of the word of god, full of sweet nectar. The honeybees are believers getting excited about the word of God and some are non-believers who crave the nectar, they come to receive. The affect of this will be so loud that all will hear just as the sound of that bush was alive with bees so will the church be alive with believers and will ‘buzz’ no one will escape the roar of that day.
I believe there were other words for the youth and the like – OD cell group, don’t be shy, share it on here.
Yay! God had words for me!
Bev prayed over me saying that I will know when God is working on my gifting and character because I will be consumed with joy but also I will have an air of authority that would be still and confident and have the self control not to need to speak even when I am buzzing with excitement.
Roger had a word from God for me too, an acknowledgement “Thank you for bringing respect to my name.”
God is so good
How can anyone say church is boring?!
God’s power shows up and it certainly is far from boring.
Christina McKenzie
Christina McKenzie
"To build a child's faith"
Following last night's cell group meeting, in my quiet time this morning I found myself asking "Lord, what possible purpose can Mark's colour-blindness serve in your kingdom" and into my mind immediately came the idea that a child would pray for him; that the answer was "To build a child's faith". As we were talking about weighing things last night, then maybe this is another thing to be weighed. Also, it seemed to me that it wouldn't happen the first or second time of praying, to teach persistence.
Back on 4th October 1995 there was a day seminar on prophecy at St Andrews, Chorleywood. I took some fairly comprehensive notes (4 pages of them!), typed them up and filed them away. Today I took them out to read through and decided they were worth sharing:
Seminar on Prophecy - St Andrews, Chorleywood - 4th October 1995
Initially their experience of the prophetic was 'love notes' back and forth with God. At Anaheim church pastors/ministers were invited to meet with prophets. The room was filled with 200 - 300 pastors and wives, which was too many to receive individually. This led to the realisation it was important to develop prophecy in local church to ensure it wasn't necessary to go somewhere else to receive a little trickle.
They wanted 'inside information' : helpful, meaningful prophetic words available within the church so that they weren't flying blind. The Lord has supplied a number of prophetic words at critical points in the ministry.
Pragmatic side to church life (do the resources balance the needs) - also in prophetic. It is a simple, natural part of church life, not overbalancing on one side or the other. Wanted a church that does it all - teaching, ministering, visiting sick, reaching poor, discipling - well-rounded church. Not looking at becoming a 'prophetic church', rather at being 'this is what a normal church looks like'. Prophecy is a helpful, useful tool, confirming direction, helping individuals, etc. At same time there may be a lot of failures and foolishness around prophetic ministry - words fall to the ground, or people get carried away by enthusiasm - so although they were committed to prophetic ministry, they weren't enamoured: it has its place, but need to be aware of the difficulties.
Preconditions to developing healthy prophetic ministry
Theological foundation essential.
Avoid extremes - don't deny God's intervention, but on the other hand don't let just anything supernatural become the driving force when this is not rooted in reality.
Role of prophetic in relation to Church
It's there to assist leadership functions. It plays a supporting role. Need to discern each time 'is this prophecy going to help here?' - may not always be helpful or appropriate to offer every word of prophecy (1 Cor:12:13-14). This perspective shapes all kinds of other things.
Leadership needs to be in place and empowered to lead - it's up to leadership to test prophecy.
Leadership structure needs to be strong enough and in place, and the church to have trust in the leadership (otherwise prophetic can cause division in places where there is lack of trust).
Combination of small groups/large meetings - offers place of development of gifts giving freedom, plus the opportunity of modelling.
Climatic elements
Vision for church (coming from church leaders and laid out in church) needs to be clear.
Unity in congregation
Safe place - where people can take risks and still be accepted when they fail, and receive correction.
Biblically informed so congregation can weigh prophecy against scripture without needing it spelt out all the time.
Developing prophetic ministry with Church
Teaching validity/scriptural basis
Building in theological issues
Learning how to relate to God as individuals for themselves (not idol worshipping prophecy/prophet):
Prophecy regarding direction of church, correction of church, warnings, or about changing someone's ministry - these need to go to leadership, and not be issued direct to congregation.
NO prophecies about babies/marriage - our own desires get mixed up - too many emotions tied up in these areas.
All prophecy has to be tested, no matter who speaks it.
YOU have the final responsibility on a word for you - do not abdicate personal responsibility.
Their church reinforces these messages all the time, reminding people even as prophecy is offered that prophecy is to be weighed and tested, and should be 'dumped' if inappropriate.
Prophetic individuals
God does give people to the church who are able to operate at a deep level of prophetic gifting - able to speak about where people come from, their lives, etc. Their problem may be sorting out what they receive - their open spirit brings a constant stream of revelation - these people need an extra measure of care and concern.
In their church, Eloise had the opportunity to sit alongside someone else ministering for a day and realised just how much she was receiving too. This built her faith.
Test the character
Can you work with them? Are they called to work with you? Do they have any major character flaws? Do they have a hunger for power?
If someone is going to work with you as your eyes, there is a lot of pressure in that. They need to meet the criterion. May hide the prophet - the prophet needs to be comfortable in their home church, eg Eloise is loved by the church through her natural person (lively/spunky, children's minister, etc.).
Good characters, sound team players - you relate to them as a pastor. This is what they need. Spend time with them, love them, etc. Teach them along the way - discuss things - encourage them to take next step. Maybe even push them a little.
Prophetic person may want to settle into what's comfortable and safe - may need encouragement to step beyond and take risks and give the 'next bit' that they have withheld. It may be necessary to sort things through together, eg. may confuse people's names and place names.
Their hearts are open, not filtering out the painful/antagonistic situations which may knock them back. The sensitivity that allows them to pick things up makes them vulnerable to other influences including negative spiritual power. Pastor needs to protect them, including protecting them from other people. As they ride a wave it just flows - but when they begin to labour, they make mistakes - pastor steps in and protects them, gives them freedom to stop working when this happens.
Prophetic ministry so helpful when you travel, because the people you are addressing are not known to you, yet everyone around them knows exactly what you are saying.
Many times revelation has an accessibility - it's like a radio broadcast which a whole bunch of people pick up and have the same word - strong annointing so that all are prompted to prophesy. May be just one part of the message that is important to hear at that time, so only need to take two or three of these similar words, pick out the best and pass them on.
Sometimes prophetic people have a real need to establish their credibility (usually because of some wound inside, or past rejection). Two answers:
1. Firmly established and living in sense of identity/meaning in life based on their relationship with God the Father.
2. Normal route of healing.
So, priority is for your own personal relationship and identity with God, and the pastor needs to build some relationship with the prophet which makes room and acceptance for failure.
Further pitfalls:
Levels of prophecy
1. Inspirational
2. Giftings
3. Facts about person/past
4. Prophecy for future - a) individual; b) nations
(Someone may be good at low level and bomb out completely at other levels).
Back on 4th October 1995 there was a day seminar on prophecy at St Andrews, Chorleywood. I took some fairly comprehensive notes (4 pages of them!), typed them up and filed them away. Today I took them out to read through and decided they were worth sharing:
Seminar on Prophecy - St Andrews, Chorleywood - 4th October 1995
Initially their experience of the prophetic was 'love notes' back and forth with God. At Anaheim church pastors/ministers were invited to meet with prophets. The room was filled with 200 - 300 pastors and wives, which was too many to receive individually. This led to the realisation it was important to develop prophecy in local church to ensure it wasn't necessary to go somewhere else to receive a little trickle.
They wanted 'inside information' : helpful, meaningful prophetic words available within the church so that they weren't flying blind. The Lord has supplied a number of prophetic words at critical points in the ministry.
Pragmatic side to church life (do the resources balance the needs) - also in prophetic. It is a simple, natural part of church life, not overbalancing on one side or the other. Wanted a church that does it all - teaching, ministering, visiting sick, reaching poor, discipling - well-rounded church. Not looking at becoming a 'prophetic church', rather at being 'this is what a normal church looks like'. Prophecy is a helpful, useful tool, confirming direction, helping individuals, etc. At same time there may be a lot of failures and foolishness around prophetic ministry - words fall to the ground, or people get carried away by enthusiasm - so although they were committed to prophetic ministry, they weren't enamoured: it has its place, but need to be aware of the difficulties.
Preconditions to developing healthy prophetic ministry
Theological foundation essential.
Avoid extremes - don't deny God's intervention, but on the other hand don't let just anything supernatural become the driving force when this is not rooted in reality.
Role of prophetic in relation to Church
It's there to assist leadership functions. It plays a supporting role. Need to discern each time 'is this prophecy going to help here?' - may not always be helpful or appropriate to offer every word of prophecy (1 Cor:12:13-14). This perspective shapes all kinds of other things.
Leadership needs to be in place and empowered to lead - it's up to leadership to test prophecy.
Leadership structure needs to be strong enough and in place, and the church to have trust in the leadership (otherwise prophetic can cause division in places where there is lack of trust).
Combination of small groups/large meetings - offers place of development of gifts giving freedom, plus the opportunity of modelling.
Climatic elements
Vision for church (coming from church leaders and laid out in church) needs to be clear.
Unity in congregation
Safe place - where people can take risks and still be accepted when they fail, and receive correction.
Biblically informed so congregation can weigh prophecy against scripture without needing it spelt out all the time.
Developing prophetic ministry with Church
Teaching validity/scriptural basis
Building in theological issues
Learning how to relate to God as individuals for themselves (not idol worshipping prophecy/prophet):
- how to hear God
- how to meditate on scriptures
- being open/honest vulnerable to God in prayer (building intimacy with God)
- build expectation (priesthood of all believers - all relate directly to God)
- opens door to manipulation
- shortcuts community testing of prophecy
Prophecy regarding direction of church, correction of church, warnings, or about changing someone's ministry - these need to go to leadership, and not be issued direct to congregation.
NO prophecies about babies/marriage - our own desires get mixed up - too many emotions tied up in these areas.
All prophecy has to be tested, no matter who speaks it.
YOU have the final responsibility on a word for you - do not abdicate personal responsibility.
Their church reinforces these messages all the time, reminding people even as prophecy is offered that prophecy is to be weighed and tested, and should be 'dumped' if inappropriate.
Prophetic individuals
God does give people to the church who are able to operate at a deep level of prophetic gifting - able to speak about where people come from, their lives, etc. Their problem may be sorting out what they receive - their open spirit brings a constant stream of revelation - these people need an extra measure of care and concern.
In their church, Eloise had the opportunity to sit alongside someone else ministering for a day and realised just how much she was receiving too. This built her faith.
Test the character
Can you work with them? Are they called to work with you? Do they have any major character flaws? Do they have a hunger for power?
If someone is going to work with you as your eyes, there is a lot of pressure in that. They need to meet the criterion. May hide the prophet - the prophet needs to be comfortable in their home church, eg Eloise is loved by the church through her natural person (lively/spunky, children's minister, etc.).
Good characters, sound team players - you relate to them as a pastor. This is what they need. Spend time with them, love them, etc. Teach them along the way - discuss things - encourage them to take next step. Maybe even push them a little.
Prophetic person may want to settle into what's comfortable and safe - may need encouragement to step beyond and take risks and give the 'next bit' that they have withheld. It may be necessary to sort things through together, eg. may confuse people's names and place names.
Their hearts are open, not filtering out the painful/antagonistic situations which may knock them back. The sensitivity that allows them to pick things up makes them vulnerable to other influences including negative spiritual power. Pastor needs to protect them, including protecting them from other people. As they ride a wave it just flows - but when they begin to labour, they make mistakes - pastor steps in and protects them, gives them freedom to stop working when this happens.
Prophetic ministry so helpful when you travel, because the people you are addressing are not known to you, yet everyone around them knows exactly what you are saying.
Many times revelation has an accessibility - it's like a radio broadcast which a whole bunch of people pick up and have the same word - strong annointing so that all are prompted to prophesy. May be just one part of the message that is important to hear at that time, so only need to take two or three of these similar words, pick out the best and pass them on.
Sometimes prophetic people have a real need to establish their credibility (usually because of some wound inside, or past rejection). Two answers:
1. Firmly established and living in sense of identity/meaning in life based on their relationship with God the Father.
2. Normal route of healing.
So, priority is for your own personal relationship and identity with God, and the pastor needs to build some relationship with the prophet which makes room and acceptance for failure.
Further pitfalls:
- adding to prophetic word, eg. you keep talking when God stops
- assumptions about meanings. The prophet assumes that they know what something means, allowing their interpretation to colour the prophecy. Answer is for prophet to deliver exactly what he heard/saw, then make it clear that he has moved on to interpretation (leave application to Pastor).
- prophetic exaggeration: prophetic people have a hard time distinguishing degrees, eg. making it bigger to have a bigger impact. So, may say "you have a gift of evangelism" - then may begin to enlarge on it, so it seems like the person will become a mass evangelist.
- confusion of gifting with position, eg. leadership gifting does not necessarily mean the position of leader within that church. Offer the gifting without defining the positon.
- do not get into fortune telling. Do not offer decision on specific things. God has His own agenda and he may not want to speak about this specific decision.
- depth of conflict when it comes to seeking words for areas close to our heart may lead to inaccuracy. Weigh it closely.
- prophets pass prophecies to pastor, not to each other
- pastor keeps secrets
- then if he hears something through various channels and knows it's uncorrupted by people talking about it together or seeking to please him by confirming something he has spoken about, he can be sure it is from the Lord.
Levels of prophecy
1. Inspirational
2. Giftings
3. Facts about person/past
4. Prophecy for future - a) individual; b) nations
(Someone may be good at low level and bomb out completely at other levels).
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Oh To be like Abraham...

Sometimes in our lives we can come up against enormous battles and fights.
The fight or battle could be something that is taking over us; it could be worry, a doubt, perhaps health problems.
It could be that one moment we are happily sailing through life when, out of the blue,
Life happens, it just happens!
And how life can be piercing in all its’ rawness.
There are alot of people from God’s word who know and understand battles, however, when we think of battles, does Abraham ever come to mind?
Abraham, whose life can be found in Genesis, sums up all that we should and could grow to be. He the father of all nations, the one whom once was father to none became father to the countless many.
In my blog before, I mentioned that success is faithfulness, obedience and righteousness; Abraham shouts a full house here. So, how did Abraham deal with the battles afore mentioned?
Battle number 1 ‘Should I stay or should I go?’
Imagine, jus for a moment, that you are sitting on your very cosy sofa, you have a hot mug of tea and you rest your feet from a hard day. Your loved one snuggles up next to you, the T.V. shows your favourite show, the one you’ve waited all week for.
Shortly after this, your doorbell goes and it’s a very dear friend. You make your friend a tea as well and you both settle to watch the programme, which you both enjoy.
Next, the phone goes and on the end of the line is a family member who has invited you out for the evening, with a group of friends, in fact the whole family can go with you and they do. Before you know it, you are in a place surrounded by those you love and those who love you. You are comfortable and you’re content…
Then God says to you, ‘GO.’
‘Go from here. Leave England, leave the friends you know and love, leave the family members you’re familiar with and go, to this land I will show you.’
Strangely enough, I’m very much reminded of Alex and Ivane as they venture to be obedient to the call of God on their lives. As they leave all that they know and love to be in South Africa.
So, the battle. Can you imagine? Abraham must have had such a battle in his mind. Yet, he did as God had told him. How I admire his obedience, courage and confidence.
Abraham went through hard times too, it wasn’t all hippy magic, as if he were to say, ‘Hey dude, I’m a nomad! Is that an oasis I see before me? Or have you been feeding me strange ones’
Abraham leaves all he knows and loves, falling straight into the arms of a famine. Well, we think ‘famine’ and it doesn’t have quite the same impact unless we feel our stomachs pressing against our backbones. But, God must have sustained him as he survived and to be amidst a famine would have been battle enough.
Shortly after he escapes death by the skin of his teeth as he rubs shoulders with Pharoah. Alright, I’ll give you that one, Abraham lied and so brought it upon himself.
However, such was God’s grace that Abraham got away lightly, I’d imagine when Pharaoh realised that the disease he was inflicted with was because he was with Abraham’s wife and not Abraham’s sister he might have had one of 2 thoughts, kill him or send him away.
Thankfully, for Abraham, and the nations thereafter, Pharaoh sent him away.
But of all the battles [and with Abraham I’m sure you could think of many] the battle that impresses me the most at this present time, is the literal one:
Genesis 14:1
4 Kings and their army fight 5 Kings and their army. Can you imagine! Hundreds and hundreds of men going to war. Not King on King but 9 Kings and their armies all fighting for 2 years!
When the 4 Kings overthrew the 5 Kings and also took Lot (Abraham’s Nephew) captive, Abraham got involved with his trained men, won over one of the lead Kings and all the other Kings allied with Abraham!
If this were today the headlines would be extraordinary.
Abraham in all his confidence, steps up and defeats the enemy. Does he sit for ages pondering whether or not he had the ability? Did he ever wonder if his trained men were up to the task? Perhaps he prayed and fasted, this we don’t know. However, I feel he didn’t much hesitate. He had already trained men so he was prepared rather than hesitant.
A hard act to follow huh?
But we have our own battles, perhaps not on the same geographical scale, perhaps not between kingdoms, but its our own kingdoms, the kingdoms of our hearts.
Maybe we could learn a few small lessons from Abraham. After all he was prepared before this huge undertaking. Therefore, we should be prepared.
Have a rich and daily relationship with God, trust him too,
‘Abraham believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.’
We all now know that righteousness is given by God and it’s the key to success.
We can be obedient, not questioning, just do. That’s easier said than done though. Anyhow, either we believe God is God, or we don’t and if we believe he is God then do, go, move forward, progress in his plan.
Perhaps we don’t progress any further because we grow weary or tired of fighting.
Even we are scared off by the foe. Or sometimes we focus on the wrong things instead of focussing on the way ahead.
For the battle, whatever it may be, is not to be feared.
It cannot exhaust us,
Psalm 29 11 The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
And it mustn’t distract.
For God is with us in everything we do, everything we go through and all that we face.
I know in my own battles I am ever thankful to God that he was right by my side.
Psalm 119:92:
If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
But most of all we must hang on to the truth that God allows all things to happen. He gives and he takes away. Therefore, he is the one in charge, he allows all things, no one is above God or has authority over him.
If this be the case then the battle is not ours. If the battle is not ours then whose battle is it?
Chronicles 20:15:
'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's.
The battle belongs to God. Ask him which part you play in it before assuming your role, prepare in this way by asking him.
Remember also that God is good, he knows you, your thoughts and your heart and do you think he doesn’t want to love you with all that he has?
Psalm 145:16
You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
We may not always get what we think we want but God doesn’t disappoint. If we face disappointment it’s only the weed, we ourselves allow to seed and take root.
After all, he’s the creator of all, he began the beginning, he breathed life into us, he’s awesome, he’s God and surprisingly…he really does know what he’s doing.
Christina McKenzie
Monday, 25 June 2007
Say no to no...

Isn’t it high time someone got negative about negativity?
Yes it is.
Look around. The world is full of things that, according to nay – Sayers, should never have happened.
And yet “yes.”
Yes, continents have been found.
Yes, men have played golf on the moon.
Yes, straw is being turned into bio fuel to power cars.
Yes, yes, yes.
What does it take to turn no into yes?
An open mind?
A willingness to take risks?
And when the problem seems most insoluble,
When the challenge is hardest,
And when everyone else is shaking their heads, to say no,
We say, “ let’s go”
Copyright of shell
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Jesus: The real Time Lord!
I can remember one of the many Godly teachers I have encountered in my walk with Jesus saying that if we ask God a question, leave it with him and listen for the answer, we will receive one, but to be patient and to listen closely as the answer may not come immediately or in a way we will recognise unless we're looking for it. Some time this year I was wondering about the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus, recorded in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, where Moses and Elijah appear and speak with Jesus. It seemed contrary to OT admonitions about consulting the spirits of the dead, and yet Jesus was without sin. "So what was that all about, Lord?" I asked, and left the question with him. Well, I think I've had my answer. Julian Adams spoke about the Transfiguration, and how for Moses it was the fulfilment of the promise that he would enter the promised land. In Exodus 33:11 we read that The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend. As I thought about all this, I caught a fresh glimpse of an awesome Lord of the Universe, able to step outside the confinements of physical law, to step outside time and space in order to meet up and have a chat with his friends …. wow!
'Faith: Your expectation is God's invitation'
Julian spoke about God's power being for all of us – that the NORMAL Christian life is one of amazing miracles, rich in the supernatural. "Your expectation is God's invitation". This reminded me of a letter I wrote to a non-believer back in September 2004, who had never encountered anything which was even remotely outside the realms of physical science. I wrote:
Is it possible that choosing not to believe in God is expressing a choice to sample this life entirely limited by the physical laws of the universe ... expressing a desire to play the game unaided? Conversely believing in God might be viewed as giving permission for the universe to behave unexpectedly. I have written previously in our correspondence that I think the psychological mechanism of expectation has wider implications than have yet been researched. You once wrote to me about the 'spooky action at a distance' effect that the 'big guns' in physics are exploring. It is always very tempting to dismiss what seem like wild claims for strange events that defy the laws of the universe that we see in operation around us daily ... it is even tempting when we might ourselves have been involved in some strange events, to seek to rationalise them or explain them away afterwards. Much as we might think we want miracles, it is actually very uncomfortable when they happen ... quite scary. Paradox./ Quote ends
Re-reading what I wrote back then in the context of Julian's visit and our subsequent experiences of the Holy Spirit moving upon us, I'm aware of the work the Lord has done in me over the intervening period, so that now I'm ready wholeheartedly to pray "Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth …" trusting that when we call, he answers and makes us bold and stout-hearted (Psalm 138:3). I'm currently reading a useful book on Receiving the Gifts of the Spirit – when I've finished it, I'll bring it to Cell group in case anyone wants to borrow it. I found in it the encouragement I needed to step out in faith this morning and bring the words that I'd received, though it seemed a small offering. It was REALLY encouraging to hear Sarah and Mark grasping those words and bringing meaning out of them, and seeing people respond. Once again, WOW! Thank you, Lord!
'Faith: Your expectation is God's invitation'
Julian spoke about God's power being for all of us – that the NORMAL Christian life is one of amazing miracles, rich in the supernatural. "Your expectation is God's invitation". This reminded me of a letter I wrote to a non-believer back in September 2004, who had never encountered anything which was even remotely outside the realms of physical science. I wrote:
Is it possible that choosing not to believe in God is expressing a choice to sample this life entirely limited by the physical laws of the universe ... expressing a desire to play the game unaided? Conversely believing in God might be viewed as giving permission for the universe to behave unexpectedly. I have written previously in our correspondence that I think the psychological mechanism of expectation has wider implications than have yet been researched. You once wrote to me about the 'spooky action at a distance' effect that the 'big guns' in physics are exploring. It is always very tempting to dismiss what seem like wild claims for strange events that defy the laws of the universe that we see in operation around us daily ... it is even tempting when we might ourselves have been involved in some strange events, to seek to rationalise them or explain them away afterwards. Much as we might think we want miracles, it is actually very uncomfortable when they happen ... quite scary. Paradox./ Quote ends
Re-reading what I wrote back then in the context of Julian's visit and our subsequent experiences of the Holy Spirit moving upon us, I'm aware of the work the Lord has done in me over the intervening period, so that now I'm ready wholeheartedly to pray "Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth …" trusting that when we call, he answers and makes us bold and stout-hearted (Psalm 138:3). I'm currently reading a useful book on Receiving the Gifts of the Spirit – when I've finished it, I'll bring it to Cell group in case anyone wants to borrow it. I found in it the encouragement I needed to step out in faith this morning and bring the words that I'd received, though it seemed a small offering. It was REALLY encouraging to hear Sarah and Mark grasping those words and bringing meaning out of them, and seeing people respond. Once again, WOW! Thank you, Lord!
Jesus, God of the supernatural...

The other blog of mine won't make sense without this one coz apparently my facebook won't allow people to read it via a link - technology eh?!
12:27am Tuesday, Jun 19
Yesterday, Julian Adams came to The Beacon Church. He was addressed as a prophet of God and I've never met one for real. He was the usual type when it comes to prophets; unassuming.I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I was listening to a 28 year old single guy, an Asian from South Africa. He was funny too, which helps to have a sense of humour in the kingdom of God. I liked his sense of style, and in a completely shallow way, literally his sense of style. His lime green shirt spoke of a summer we wouldn't forget. The Summer that God touched us. Well, there's no doubt about it, Julian Adams is an annointed guy, God is so very evident in him and he clearly shows, literally, the power of God. He will unfold before you miracles. The sort the disciples of Jesus would have been astounded by. Now we didn't see a thousand loaves or fish or anything like that, but we saw, with our level of belief, miracles before us, Beacon miracles. Julian spoke direct from God words over people. On one occassion he said to Mark Goody, I see you with drums sticks in your hands; he's a drummer! There were so many words that were very accurate, the one about Adam following a legacy, he didn't know that Adam is the Pastor's son. He spoke of Bev and Mark moving on to the nations as they become more high profile ( I'm glad he said that as I felt that too) and our very own Paula having a prophetic annointing, she had oil dripping from her hands as the spirit of God rest upon her, covering her with the charge set before her.He told Barbara that her long awaited answer to prayer was imminent and God told him of her recent medical tests. She hadn't told anyone. Barbara has been praying for her husaband to come to know Jesus for a long time, years, she cried. He spoke healing over diabetics, our Bernie was estatic and so were we. Bernie is an amazing women. Her faith and pure heart speaks of the grace of God and how she has suffered, but she doesn't moan about it, she jus faithfully keeps serving the Lord as service to the church, wife, friend, sister, daughter and mother and such a good mother she is too.People fell to the floor, hit by the fire of God, it was like people were being electricuted as their bodies jerked on the floor like sardines fresh on the deck. Julian held my hand, but I felt nothing, well I felt something, a tingle that surrounded me, a wave, sparkling air, some sort of vapour but I didn't fall to the floor. I so wanted to though, but I didn't.Towards the end, the elders were hit again by the power of God's fire and they then blessed us, the church, as we walked through their human made archway, the sort a bride would go through (symbolic huh?) people again were falling over in God's fire and Emma even had gold on her feet! It looked like glitter only it vanished as soon as it arrived! I couldn't believe my eyes. Mark Goody's unbelieving girlfriend was healed of her shoulder, it was broken! She believed! LOLStrange things happened to Lauren, Abi and my hands. at first I saw their hands and I'm like, 'What's that?' Their hands looked like it had been pressed into gravel making dimples and then the dimples disappeared! After which it then happened to mine. I called out, "What on Earth!" I said to Lauren, "Did you see that? It wasn't my eyes was it?" Lauren confirmed that what I saw, she saw. Dimples all over our hands like gravel being pressed into it only we felt nothing, then it disappeared and reappeared before our very eyes! I saw alot of power from God around me but I felt only a little myself,especially when Julian held my hand, but I didn't fall over and I guess the hand thing should have been enough eh? But it isn't, I so want more of God and I feel that this sort of thing should be a normal occurance in our lives. It shouldn't have taken a prophet to awaken us, we should have been there with Jesus living out these miracles daily.You know when you put a sticker on someones back saying 'kick me'? and then you get some do gooder coming along who takes it off them? Yeah? Well, writing this, I feel a bit like that. However, I can't help how I feel and I so wanted to feel so much more. Yes, it was impressive, not Julian but Jesus working through him, yes it was exciting but I didn't feel it massively, though I definatley saw it.I suppose you're thinking, but how could you not have felt anything? I don't know, it surprises me too. I'm a very sensitive person and I have no trouble hearing God, indeed I had a prophetic dream the night before and it doesn't spook me, I expect it. And maybe that's it, I expect it, so it's normal to me and I feel the paranormal should be normal to us. By the paranormal I mean the supernatural.But hey, I wouldn't have swapped this time at all, it was an amazing day and an amazing experience even if most of the time I was an observer.One thing to add though, 4 girls came off the estate to listen to Jesus speak. They were so affected by the power of God when they saw it with their own eyes that they gave themselves to the Lord. So, Pray for Paris, Serina and the two others whose names escape me. They are about 14 and just came in off the streets! Wow!Yes, God you're amazing, yes, Jesus I love you, yes, Holy Spirit fill us to overflowing. Jesus, we pray your blessing over Paula and Bernie as you touched them so powerfully Lord, praise your name and love them and bless them Lord Amen.And if you can give me an ounce of humilty like I see in so many of the people at the Beacon, I would be eternally grateful. I love my loud nature but there is something to be said for true humilty and that's something that Julian has, unassuming as I said before.God Bless xxx
What is success?

What is Success?
A question rarely asked, yet often assumed. In this secular world of ours we are taught a language of love. It’s a common language, which permeates through all the cultures; geography is no barrier to that secular language we are fed.
It tells us that we need to be popular; we need to have a lot of people know us to be likeable. It screams to us that it’s better to know someone of worth, as that may rub off on us and make us worthy.
We seek possessions; we crave to satisfy our ever-saturated world of goods, the next best thing, the car, the biggest and broadest T.V. It has no end. No quicker have we bought the latest craze and our neighbour has a better one!
Then we strive to meet the cost of that.
If we would take the time to kneel before the Lord, to ask him what success really is, we would come into a new revelation and understanding.
Recently, I came before God and I told him of my human needs (like he didn’t already know!), friendships, possessions and the like.
Now I’m not terribly beholden to these things, however, I am human and we all want to be valued and loved. We all need to feel secure, to have a sense of belonging and identity.
It may be said, by some, that we should already know our identity in Christ and we should feel a sense of belonging in God’s Holy community of believers, However, God doesn’t say it’s wrong to enjoy the pleasures of this world, after all, with all it’s sin, it is still a beautiful world full of good things.
It’s okay to enjoy friendships and God delights in sending us gifts whether they be flowers or the latest digital craze.
It’s when we make these things our idol, when we crave, can’t be satisfied without it, don’t feel complete unless we have it, even worse, when in its absence we feel deeply insecure.
So, I asked God, ‘Tell me Lord, what is success in your eyes? Tell me Lord, what will truly make me happy and even when the road is rocky, I promise to try to stick firmly to it, trusting that you know what you’re doing.”
God replied, “Success is not how many people know and like you, it’s not about prestigious people fellowshipping with you nor is it about possessions, what you have or where you live or even what you live in. No, success is none of these things. Success, is Faithfulness to me, Obedience to me and righteousness.”
What a revelation! To think that it could ever be as simple as that. I’m delighted in learning from God in this way.
The second lesson I’m learning is how to achieve ‘these’ successes.
Righteousness always seems to be the biggest struggle, not that I’m a very sinful person. I’m just reminded that I seek to be like Jesus and it’s tricky to be perfect like him. But, righteousness isn’t about works anyway, is it? For when we accept Jesus into our hearts, we receive righteousness.
I am reminded of the verse in 2 Corinthians 5:21:
’God made him who had no sin to be sin, for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.’
It’s not ever by works that we become righteous. It is God who makes us righteous; it’s from him and not through anything we ourselves could do.
We would benefit from daily seeking more and more of his righteousess. Indeed, we would find success. I believe there is power in it.
A question rarely asked, yet often assumed. In this secular world of ours we are taught a language of love. It’s a common language, which permeates through all the cultures; geography is no barrier to that secular language we are fed.
It tells us that we need to be popular; we need to have a lot of people know us to be likeable. It screams to us that it’s better to know someone of worth, as that may rub off on us and make us worthy.
We seek possessions; we crave to satisfy our ever-saturated world of goods, the next best thing, the car, the biggest and broadest T.V. It has no end. No quicker have we bought the latest craze and our neighbour has a better one!
Then we strive to meet the cost of that.
If we would take the time to kneel before the Lord, to ask him what success really is, we would come into a new revelation and understanding.
Recently, I came before God and I told him of my human needs (like he didn’t already know!), friendships, possessions and the like.
Now I’m not terribly beholden to these things, however, I am human and we all want to be valued and loved. We all need to feel secure, to have a sense of belonging and identity.
It may be said, by some, that we should already know our identity in Christ and we should feel a sense of belonging in God’s Holy community of believers, However, God doesn’t say it’s wrong to enjoy the pleasures of this world, after all, with all it’s sin, it is still a beautiful world full of good things.
It’s okay to enjoy friendships and God delights in sending us gifts whether they be flowers or the latest digital craze.
It’s when we make these things our idol, when we crave, can’t be satisfied without it, don’t feel complete unless we have it, even worse, when in its absence we feel deeply insecure.
So, I asked God, ‘Tell me Lord, what is success in your eyes? Tell me Lord, what will truly make me happy and even when the road is rocky, I promise to try to stick firmly to it, trusting that you know what you’re doing.”
God replied, “Success is not how many people know and like you, it’s not about prestigious people fellowshipping with you nor is it about possessions, what you have or where you live or even what you live in. No, success is none of these things. Success, is Faithfulness to me, Obedience to me and righteousness.”
What a revelation! To think that it could ever be as simple as that. I’m delighted in learning from God in this way.
The second lesson I’m learning is how to achieve ‘these’ successes.
Righteousness always seems to be the biggest struggle, not that I’m a very sinful person. I’m just reminded that I seek to be like Jesus and it’s tricky to be perfect like him. But, righteousness isn’t about works anyway, is it? For when we accept Jesus into our hearts, we receive righteousness.
I am reminded of the verse in 2 Corinthians 5:21:
’God made him who had no sin to be sin, for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.’
It’s not ever by works that we become righteous. It is God who makes us righteous; it’s from him and not through anything we ourselves could do.
We would benefit from daily seeking more and more of his righteousess. Indeed, we would find success. I believe there is power in it.
James 5:16, ‘Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. ‘
I think righteousness is the thing I’m going to ask God for more of.
I remember God’s teaching in this way:
I think righteousness is the thing I’m going to ask God for more of.
I remember God’s teaching in this way:
Faithfulness, Obedience and Righteousness
So in any situation we can ask ourselves:
Am I being faithful to God?
Am I being obedient to him?
Am I seeking his righteousness?
Yes I am…
Then I am a success.
Christina Mckenzie
God's fire

After having such a disappointing time with Julian Adams, I wasn't disappointed with Julian, Jus not receiving from God. [Read my facebook post http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=2391716523&ref=mf ] I was most surprised when God touched me this evening at The Kerith Centre, Bracknell. I'd never been to The Kerith Centre before. It's quite a modern building of brick and wood. It looks like a conference place and I'm told that they do hold conferences there.
It had been raining quite hard but I was still determined that Summer would 'happen' which is why I was wearing my flip flops! So, with soggy feet, I made my way there. Then, Just as I got in through the front entrance, I valiantly tripped over something in the foyet and landed firmly in the arms of a 'welcome team' man.
LOL Now, if he had been my future husband, that's exactly the way it would have happened [knowing me!] but he was just an innocent welcome team man, just doing his job when this rather loud women flies passed!
I was happy to be inside though, it was cold and wet outside.
Mark preached well, us usual, and he called upon us at the end to receive from God. I hadn't received from the Julian Adams day and so I was determined to receive, whether it be this evening or the next.
I held out my hands and I saw rain coming down onto people in the room, it wasn't water though, it was fire, fire raining down on some people, raining down on me too. Others had shafts of light coming down onto them and some light and fire raining down.
I suddenly became aware of two very large angels, one holding onto my left hand and the other my right hand and they were almost unlocking something in the spirit realm. They had like an authority about them and unusually, they were both male or masculine [If angels have genders, I don't know, but that's what I felt/saw], very strong, very divine and full of authority.
The next mintute, I felt something placed in my hand like it fell from Heaven and upon descending it slowed as it gently pushed into my left hand. I though someone had put something in my hand and so I looked, however, my hand was empty! Although empty I could still feel the weight of the 'gift'. Soon after this, my right hand began to shake of which I felt I had no control over it. I felt my knees and legs turn to jelly and I just wanted to enjoy it, what ever it was.
I think it was God. I don't know, I'm not experienced in these things.
I wanted to sing, I didn't care who was around me, it was me and God, what is man? Nothing at that moment...all that mattered was God.
I loved being in the presence of God. It's not enough though, I want more. More of God, more of the spirit, more power. Not power for my own gain but power to demonstrate itself through me and evident for all to see that they may know my God. That they, the lost ones, would call upon his namethemselves, receive the power of God too. Perhaps one day to call out,
It had been raining quite hard but I was still determined that Summer would 'happen' which is why I was wearing my flip flops! So, with soggy feet, I made my way there. Then, Just as I got in through the front entrance, I valiantly tripped over something in the foyet and landed firmly in the arms of a 'welcome team' man.
LOL Now, if he had been my future husband, that's exactly the way it would have happened [knowing me!] but he was just an innocent welcome team man, just doing his job when this rather loud women flies passed!
I was happy to be inside though, it was cold and wet outside.
Mark preached well, us usual, and he called upon us at the end to receive from God. I hadn't received from the Julian Adams day and so I was determined to receive, whether it be this evening or the next.
I held out my hands and I saw rain coming down onto people in the room, it wasn't water though, it was fire, fire raining down on some people, raining down on me too. Others had shafts of light coming down onto them and some light and fire raining down.
I suddenly became aware of two very large angels, one holding onto my left hand and the other my right hand and they were almost unlocking something in the spirit realm. They had like an authority about them and unusually, they were both male or masculine [If angels have genders, I don't know, but that's what I felt/saw], very strong, very divine and full of authority.
The next mintute, I felt something placed in my hand like it fell from Heaven and upon descending it slowed as it gently pushed into my left hand. I though someone had put something in my hand and so I looked, however, my hand was empty! Although empty I could still feel the weight of the 'gift'. Soon after this, my right hand began to shake of which I felt I had no control over it. I felt my knees and legs turn to jelly and I just wanted to enjoy it, what ever it was.
I think it was God. I don't know, I'm not experienced in these things.
I wanted to sing, I didn't care who was around me, it was me and God, what is man? Nothing at that moment...all that mattered was God.
I loved being in the presence of God. It's not enough though, I want more. More of God, more of the spirit, more power. Not power for my own gain but power to demonstrate itself through me and evident for all to see that they may know my God. That they, the lost ones, would call upon his namethemselves, receive the power of God too. Perhaps one day to call out,
"My God, my Jesus."
Thank you Jesus that I finally felt you in such a special way. I pray that you don't just touch me Lord, but that you touch us all, as you are doing so evidently Lord. Keep touches us Lord, we love being rocked by your power, display it Lord, it's exciting and we love it. We love feeling your Holy Spirit. We just love you Lord. Amen
Thank you Jesus that I finally felt you in such a special way. I pray that you don't just touch me Lord, but that you touch us all, as you are doing so evidently Lord. Keep touches us Lord, we love being rocked by your power, display it Lord, it's exciting and we love it. We love feeling your Holy Spirit. We just love you Lord. Amen
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