The other blog of mine won't make sense without this one coz apparently my facebook won't allow people to read it via a link - technology eh?!
12:27am Tuesday, Jun 19
Yesterday, Julian Adams came to The Beacon Church. He was addressed as a prophet of God and I've never met one for real. He was the usual type when it comes to prophets; unassuming.I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I was listening to a 28 year old single guy, an Asian from South Africa. He was funny too, which helps to have a sense of humour in the kingdom of God. I liked his sense of style, and in a completely shallow way, literally his sense of style. His lime green shirt spoke of a summer we wouldn't forget. The Summer that God touched us. Well, there's no doubt about it, Julian Adams is an annointed guy, God is so very evident in him and he clearly shows, literally, the power of God. He will unfold before you miracles. The sort the disciples of Jesus would have been astounded by. Now we didn't see a thousand loaves or fish or anything like that, but we saw, with our level of belief, miracles before us, Beacon miracles. Julian spoke direct from God words over people. On one occassion he said to Mark Goody, I see you with drums sticks in your hands; he's a drummer! There were so many words that were very accurate, the one about Adam following a legacy, he didn't know that Adam is the Pastor's son. He spoke of Bev and Mark moving on to the nations as they become more high profile ( I'm glad he said that as I felt that too) and our very own Paula having a prophetic annointing, she had oil dripping from her hands as the spirit of God rest upon her, covering her with the charge set before her.He told Barbara that her long awaited answer to prayer was imminent and God told him of her recent medical tests. She hadn't told anyone. Barbara has been praying for her husaband to come to know Jesus for a long time, years, she cried. He spoke healing over diabetics, our Bernie was estatic and so were we. Bernie is an amazing women. Her faith and pure heart speaks of the grace of God and how she has suffered, but she doesn't moan about it, she jus faithfully keeps serving the Lord as service to the church, wife, friend, sister, daughter and mother and such a good mother she is too.People fell to the floor, hit by the fire of God, it was like people were being electricuted as their bodies jerked on the floor like sardines fresh on the deck. Julian held my hand, but I felt nothing, well I felt something, a tingle that surrounded me, a wave, sparkling air, some sort of vapour but I didn't fall to the floor. I so wanted to though, but I didn't.Towards the end, the elders were hit again by the power of God's fire and they then blessed us, the church, as we walked through their human made archway, the sort a bride would go through (symbolic huh?) people again were falling over in God's fire and Emma even had gold on her feet! It looked like glitter only it vanished as soon as it arrived! I couldn't believe my eyes. Mark Goody's unbelieving girlfriend was healed of her shoulder, it was broken! She believed! LOLStrange things happened to Lauren, Abi and my hands. at first I saw their hands and I'm like, 'What's that?' Their hands looked like it had been pressed into gravel making dimples and then the dimples disappeared! After which it then happened to mine. I called out, "What on Earth!" I said to Lauren, "Did you see that? It wasn't my eyes was it?" Lauren confirmed that what I saw, she saw. Dimples all over our hands like gravel being pressed into it only we felt nothing, then it disappeared and reappeared before our very eyes! I saw alot of power from God around me but I felt only a little myself,especially when Julian held my hand, but I didn't fall over and I guess the hand thing should have been enough eh? But it isn't, I so want more of God and I feel that this sort of thing should be a normal occurance in our lives. It shouldn't have taken a prophet to awaken us, we should have been there with Jesus living out these miracles daily.You know when you put a sticker on someones back saying 'kick me'? and then you get some do gooder coming along who takes it off them? Yeah? Well, writing this, I feel a bit like that. However, I can't help how I feel and I so wanted to feel so much more. Yes, it was impressive, not Julian but Jesus working through him, yes it was exciting but I didn't feel it massively, though I definatley saw it.I suppose you're thinking, but how could you not have felt anything? I don't know, it surprises me too. I'm a very sensitive person and I have no trouble hearing God, indeed I had a prophetic dream the night before and it doesn't spook me, I expect it. And maybe that's it, I expect it, so it's normal to me and I feel the paranormal should be normal to us. By the paranormal I mean the supernatural.But hey, I wouldn't have swapped this time at all, it was an amazing day and an amazing experience even if most of the time I was an observer.One thing to add though, 4 girls came off the estate to listen to Jesus speak. They were so affected by the power of God when they saw it with their own eyes that they gave themselves to the Lord. So, Pray for Paris, Serina and the two others whose names escape me. They are about 14 and just came in off the streets! Wow!Yes, God you're amazing, yes, Jesus I love you, yes, Holy Spirit fill us to overflowing. Jesus, we pray your blessing over Paula and Bernie as you touched them so powerfully Lord, praise your name and love them and bless them Lord Amen.And if you can give me an ounce of humilty like I see in so many of the people at the Beacon, I would be eternally grateful. I love my loud nature but there is something to be said for true humilty and that's something that Julian has, unassuming as I said before.God Bless xxx
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