- Get connected (on this theme, it seems that the passage from Ezekiel on the valley of dry bones has been popping up in our individual lives recently, prompting the exciting thought that God is breathing life into the body);
- Give yourself to Jesus - live in his presence all the time, know his power in your daily walk with him;
- The health of your local church is affected by yours and my holiness
- Confront issues - get them out in the open with brothers and sisters;
- My cell is my extended family
- Have equal concern for each other - equal talents need using;
- DON'T FORGET YOU'RE CHRIST'S BODY! His hands, feet, to do his will in the world.
Paula commented on v.11: 'All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines' - it had struck her that the Spirit actually decides what gifts we'll get. This led into talk about God resourcing us for His plan, but also to remember the encouragement to eagerly desire the greater gifts.
We also looked at Romans 12:4-8 and then Mark posed the question "Do you feel any differently about yourself after reading these verses?"
Bev asked everyone to draw a spider diagram - put a circle in the middle of the paper and write in it the gifts that you have, then draw 'legs' off that and write down the various ways in which your gifts have been used within the church in the past, and the things you have a heart for doing now or in the future.
Bernie & Jools spoke about their heart for hospitality - in the church where they met, there was always someone designated to provide hospitality to anyone after the Sunday service who would be alone for lunch. Having both enjoyed that hospitality themselves, and having met through that ministry, when they got married they very much enjoyed providing that ministry to others (even though it meant on occasion cooking a meal for 14 using only two little camping gaz burners!). This opened hearts and we were led to recognize that there may be a lot of loneliness within the church that goes unrecognized - an unmet need. Paula spoke of her ministry to singles in a previous church.
There was discussion of the need for someone gifted in youth and children's work, and Paula shared how getting the 11 - 14 year olds involved in leading their own Kids' Club at a previous church really built those young people in their spiritual life and walk with Jesus. Those youngsters were so committed that they used to get up really early on a Saturday and spend two hours preparing a school gym for Kids' Club, and even after Paula withdrew, they continued running it successfully for the next two or three years. It seems those young people are the ones who have gone on to great things.
During the time of worship and prayer, Paula prayed about 'the sound of rustling in the leaves on the trees' and my mind filled in the rest of the words of the song:
I hear the sound of rustling in the leaves of the trees,
The Spirit of the Lord has come down on the earth.
The Church that seemed in slumber has now risen from its knees
And dry bones are responding with the fruits of new birth ...
... and there we were, back to that passage from Ezekiel.
Some of us (well, me for definite) were hoping to have the opportunity of hearing a recording of Christina singing her new song to the tune of Hotel California, but sadly we ran out of time for this. However, we have put a date in the calendar for a Cell Group Lunch at the Beacon building, Sunday 2nd September after church.
Very good piece of writing Trish - as always.
Thank you for tracking cell. I was cream crackered on Wednesday. The retirement 'do' went very well an my dance/dancers were stars, they didn't let me down. My designed t-shirts looked good too.
Informative piece of writing Trish, I shall look closer at what God has blessed me with.
"were hoping to have the opportunity of hearing a recording of Christina singing her new song to the tune of Hotel California, but sadly we ran out of time for this. " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
sorry, wasnt expecting my very amateur recording to be heard publically. :)
Thanks for the encouragement, Christina, and glad to hear the 'do' went well. From your remark about the recording, do I take it we shall get the opportunity to hear the live rendition, Christina a cappella, at next Cell?!? Wayyyyyy Cool! LOL
Yeah, like a pop star me [She looked away sheepishly]
LOL who knows what the future holds...
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