Thursday, 2 August 2007

The next scripture to learn!

Numbers 23:19

God is not man that he should lie
Nor the son a man that he should change his mind
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and then not fulfil?

This is all relevance to God's blessings for you. Sometimes we may think we are under a curse when things don't so go so well.

When the accuser accuses, we can use this scripture to use as a shield to bounce off the fire arrows.

When God blesses, he blesses.

When he speaks a blesing over you, he has not lied - it will come to pass.

When he promises something to you and time has stretched too long, he has not changed his mind - it will come to pass.

Trust in this, God is not a man and does not lie, he is not a son of a man that he would change his mind.

We can change God's mind if we are persistent enough, but I wonder if that's all part of his plan anyway?

However, when God decides to bless you, this, he won't change. Live in his promises.

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