Monday, 13 August 2007The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want...
I truly thank Jesus, my Lord and my God for blessing me such that I can afford to take my family on holiday to Cyprus.Woweee! What a beautiful place!
Why are you on the PC? I hear you say. Well, I’ve already sunbathed for 4 hours so I need to have a rest!
I have been looking at the Psalm 23, I haven't really initiated this, as you may know, Ali (from Sweden) and Enriko are living in our home, taking care of it and feeding the cats (I hope! LOL).
Well, you see, before we left, they prayed over us and our home. One of the prayers was Psalm 23.
So, although I am actually studying Genesis, I thought it would be nice to go through this popular and wonderful Prayer to God.
Firstly, when I read this prayer I looked at the term 'Lord'. I wondered if Jesus is only the shepherd to those who are 'his' Or to those who consider Jesus as their Lord.Then I looked back on my life and of those I know and I remembered that Jesus has always been with me, protecting me and loving me during the bitter and twisted happenings of my life. And not just me, Jesus is always with us, with or without us calling him Lord or God.You see Jesus loves all of us.
Even if we turn from him, even if we never accept him; he loves us.This is the beauty of the heart of God, his mercy and his unconditional love for us, his creation.Let's say that no one accepted the sacrifice of Jesus, Jesus still would have been obedient to the call of his Father, if for whatever the reason God, the father, called the sacrifice to be.I guess what was going through my mind was, perhaps, I have a God, a shepherd, someone who watches over me and... well... you don't!After all, it does say 'The Lord' is my shepherd. You have to make him your Lord before 'it works'.How arrogant can a Christian be? As if the sheep chose Jesus as a shepherd, no, the sheep need a shepherd but it is the shepherd who owns the sheep.
I have wanted God to speak to me in a different way through this Psalm and not in the way we usually look at it.Today, I have learnt that Jesus was Lord at the beginning of time, is Lord now and will always be 'Lord'. The same yesterday, today and forever. The bible reads.So if we read it like this: Jesus is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. It sounds different. Jesus will always be Jesus, The Lord will always be Lord. Regardless of yours or my opinions or decisions.So, it's not that he is Lord because we make him Lord. It's because Jesus, God, 'The Lord' is just that, 'Lord' and that title remains whether we believe it or not.Whether a Christian or not God decides to shepherd us and how he does it is up to him. If we do find ourselves in lack, it's by his authority, as everything is under his authority anyway. Chances are, as a Christian, we will not often be in lack unless it's character building. However, God can choose, albeit occasionally, to provide just as well for a non Christian too if he chooses too...he is 'Lord'.
Right, back to sunbathing :o)
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