Well, it was a bit of a struggle to get out of bed this morning!
I usually have a lie in on Saturday mornings but had to go to the hairdressers then onto lunch with some friends followed by Christmas shopping. Therefore, Sunday should have been my lay in and it would have been had I not decided to visit places!
The Beacon had a Pantomime this afternoon and didn't have a Sunday morning service.
Choice, stay home and stay in bed OR visit another church?
Well, I visited another church.
As it happens it was Zack's [my nephew] birthday last Thursday. I usually visit my Dad & brother and their family on their birthday itself or the Sat/Sun closest to their day. I hadn't seen Zack and my Bro on Thursday coz I had the boiler fitted. The boiler man didn't leave until 7pm so Sunday it had to be [Saturday was just out of the question!]
As I was in London anyway visiting my bro & Nephew, I thought it would be an ideal time to visit The Crown church, Hillingdon, just up the road.
The Crown Church Websitehttp://www.crown-church.org.uk/
The couple who lead The Crown are Pete & Nicky Cornford. They used to be part of The Beacon, Pete being an Elder. They have 3 young children who were mere babies when we saw them last.
It didn't take long to get there, about an hour. It was really easy to find with lots of signs everywhere so you don't drive passed!
They were so welcoming and lovely, no one pounced on you as you first walked in but equally, everyone was very friendly.
There was a gift pack with The Crown Church pen!
Pete was very proud of his gift pack!
Pete & Nicky recognised me but only just recognised my girls as they are all grown up now. After a while it all came back to them and we said we couldn't believe how big their youngest is now!
They begin their service with Tea & toast, lots of people kissing you hello on the cheeks with butter all over their cheeks!
I jest, the smell of toast was warm and inviting.
The worship or music we sing to God was outstanding, easy to follow yet filled with holiness that brought forth the feeling of being in awe of God, Jesus.
Their worship is SO lively! I don't think I saw one person not singing, clapping, raising their hands or shouting!
Indeed, you would have felt very strange not being lively, you would have looked odd!
One thing I noticed more than anything though was the men and how they worshipped God.
They praised and sang and lifted their arms and shouted praises to Jesus in a 'football' fashion and this was good and refreshing to see men so passionate for God.
There was also a moment of quiet, especially in the communion time. Everyone took this together which I puzzled how they would manage this as there must have been about 200 people there if not more!But they did and they captured the holiness of God even after such an energetic time previous.
Then Pete asked the people to pray out to God their desires for the world, there was no hesitance, everyone had something to pray about, no one held back and you could see the passion in these people and it was no mystery how and why they continue to receive God's favour.
I was expecting the prayers to die down after 3 people had spoken but the whole thing went on for about 10 minutes!
Such a passionate people.
Crispin preached this morning and he is such a gifted speaker. He spoke from Luke when the angel came to Mary and told her what was going to happen. He taught this passage in a way that I had never heard before and although it was about Mary, it held alot of relevance to the men of the church.
I have written about the preach in a separate note.
After the service, Pete Cornford prayed over my family we left to have MacDonald’s at Heathrow then onto My Bros
All in all it was a busy and tiring day especially with all the driving and playing Winnie the Pooh with my wee nephew who’s now 3!
I need to plan the week and Christmas and all sorts of things I haven’t yet done!
See you tomorrow :O)
The Crown Church Facebook:
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