Sunday, 19 April 2009

Notes from Morning Service

Words during Worship:

Laurence: God is here! God is beside you!

Denise: His grace is enough. We need to be yielded in our hearts, surrendered to God.

David D_: Christina sang in tongues - he had been reading a prophecy in Daniel and felt it related to that, about the 'Ancient of Days' - a name for God - about God seated on the throne - about God seeking to fight for us. David spoke about moving out in the authority of the living God.

Adrian: God is my all sufficiency for all eternity.

Sermon from Peter W_: What sort of God is He? What sort of things does He ask us to do? Can we trust Him? There was an ancient Chinese curse: "May you live in uncertainty" - These are uncertain times.
1 million people now living in negative equity -v- article in the press that the house market is showing signs of recovery, has turned the corner.
New economist appointed to the board of the Bank of England - he believes the worst of the recession is over -v- International Think Tank that has predicted UK will not be out of recession until 2012.
GE - huge corporation - announced profits down by one third -v- another huge corporation which has just reported the best results for 2 years.

Peter's conclusion in the face of all these contradictory stories: the world hasn't got a clue! The world doesn't know what is going on. He goes back to God - if he's experiencing uncertain times, he looks in his favourite passages in the Bible - goes to the book of Psalms.

Psalm 1:
Psalm 37 - Peter says that as we go on with God, surrendering to Him, he changes the desires of your heart - our heart's desire becomes centred in Kingdom building.
Trust in God even in difficult times - that is the SAFE thing to do - shelter in the shadow of His wings. Come before Him, choose to align ourselves with God's will - that is the SAFE thing to do (even if it seems foolish). God promises safety, security, prosperity to those who live in this way.
Ps 17: 8 - 9
Ps 36
Ps 57:1-3
Ps 61: 2-5
Ps 63: 7 - 8
2 Cor 8:1-5
Ps 91: 1-4

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