Sunday, 17 May 2009

Words during Worship

Simon B_ drew our attention to the fact we had just sung about making a joyful noise to the Lord and the rain sounded louder on the roof of the hall - Simon gave thanks that even the rain was making a noise to praise the Lord.

We gave thanks for an answer to a 5 year old boy's prayer: his sister had hurt herself on a trampoline and couldn't walk on one leg - whilst mum was wondering whether to take her to the hospital, her son laid his hands on his sister's leg and prayed for her - she was healed!

Antonia sang a spontaneous song of praise about how love rises in our hearts, bringing freedom through the Holy Spirit and inviting the King of Heaven to come down and meet His people in this place.

We heard that God is saying it breaks His heart that some of us have rooms in our heart which are locked - rooms of unforgiveness, anger, judgment - He wants you to open those rooms, open those closed doors so He can give you the forgiveness you need to forgive others.

Another word was about a picture of a sheep trying to run away from the flock, away from the shepherd - the Lord wants to say to that person who is contemplating leaving the church: 'come back to the flock; stay close to the shepherd'.

The Lord would also say to us today: It is worth pursuing me - worth opening yourself up to the Holy Spirit - there is an eternal reward in Heaven, riches in Christ - and it was worth it for God to send His son into the world for our sake - it was worth dying on the cross - worth it to redeem that broken relationship between God and His people.

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