After having such a disappointing time with Julian Adams, I wasn't disappointed with Julian, Jus not receiving from God. [Read my facebook post http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=2391716523&ref=mf ] I was most surprised when God touched me this evening at The Kerith Centre, Bracknell. I'd never been to The Kerith Centre before. It's quite a modern building of brick and wood. It looks like a conference place and I'm told that they do hold conferences there.
It had been raining quite hard but I was still determined that Summer would 'happen' which is why I was wearing my flip flops! So, with soggy feet, I made my way there. Then, Just as I got in through the front entrance, I valiantly tripped over something in the foyet and landed firmly in the arms of a 'welcome team' man.
LOL Now, if he had been my future husband, that's exactly the way it would have happened [knowing me!] but he was just an innocent welcome team man, just doing his job when this rather loud women flies passed!
I was happy to be inside though, it was cold and wet outside.
Mark preached well, us usual, and he called upon us at the end to receive from God. I hadn't received from the Julian Adams day and so I was determined to receive, whether it be this evening or the next.
I held out my hands and I saw rain coming down onto people in the room, it wasn't water though, it was fire, fire raining down on some people, raining down on me too. Others had shafts of light coming down onto them and some light and fire raining down.
I suddenly became aware of two very large angels, one holding onto my left hand and the other my right hand and they were almost unlocking something in the spirit realm. They had like an authority about them and unusually, they were both male or masculine [If angels have genders, I don't know, but that's what I felt/saw], very strong, very divine and full of authority.
The next mintute, I felt something placed in my hand like it fell from Heaven and upon descending it slowed as it gently pushed into my left hand. I though someone had put something in my hand and so I looked, however, my hand was empty! Although empty I could still feel the weight of the 'gift'. Soon after this, my right hand began to shake of which I felt I had no control over it. I felt my knees and legs turn to jelly and I just wanted to enjoy it, what ever it was.
I think it was God. I don't know, I'm not experienced in these things.
I wanted to sing, I didn't care who was around me, it was me and God, what is man? Nothing at that moment...all that mattered was God.
I loved being in the presence of God. It's not enough though, I want more. More of God, more of the spirit, more power. Not power for my own gain but power to demonstrate itself through me and evident for all to see that they may know my God. That they, the lost ones, would call upon his namethemselves, receive the power of God too. Perhaps one day to call out,
It had been raining quite hard but I was still determined that Summer would 'happen' which is why I was wearing my flip flops! So, with soggy feet, I made my way there. Then, Just as I got in through the front entrance, I valiantly tripped over something in the foyet and landed firmly in the arms of a 'welcome team' man.
LOL Now, if he had been my future husband, that's exactly the way it would have happened [knowing me!] but he was just an innocent welcome team man, just doing his job when this rather loud women flies passed!
I was happy to be inside though, it was cold and wet outside.
Mark preached well, us usual, and he called upon us at the end to receive from God. I hadn't received from the Julian Adams day and so I was determined to receive, whether it be this evening or the next.
I held out my hands and I saw rain coming down onto people in the room, it wasn't water though, it was fire, fire raining down on some people, raining down on me too. Others had shafts of light coming down onto them and some light and fire raining down.
I suddenly became aware of two very large angels, one holding onto my left hand and the other my right hand and they were almost unlocking something in the spirit realm. They had like an authority about them and unusually, they were both male or masculine [If angels have genders, I don't know, but that's what I felt/saw], very strong, very divine and full of authority.
The next mintute, I felt something placed in my hand like it fell from Heaven and upon descending it slowed as it gently pushed into my left hand. I though someone had put something in my hand and so I looked, however, my hand was empty! Although empty I could still feel the weight of the 'gift'. Soon after this, my right hand began to shake of which I felt I had no control over it. I felt my knees and legs turn to jelly and I just wanted to enjoy it, what ever it was.
I think it was God. I don't know, I'm not experienced in these things.
I wanted to sing, I didn't care who was around me, it was me and God, what is man? Nothing at that moment...all that mattered was God.
I loved being in the presence of God. It's not enough though, I want more. More of God, more of the spirit, more power. Not power for my own gain but power to demonstrate itself through me and evident for all to see that they may know my God. That they, the lost ones, would call upon his namethemselves, receive the power of God too. Perhaps one day to call out,
"My God, my Jesus."
Thank you Jesus that I finally felt you in such a special way. I pray that you don't just touch me Lord, but that you touch us all, as you are doing so evidently Lord. Keep touches us Lord, we love being rocked by your power, display it Lord, it's exciting and we love it. We love feeling your Holy Spirit. We just love you Lord. Amen
Thank you Jesus that I finally felt you in such a special way. I pray that you don't just touch me Lord, but that you touch us all, as you are doing so evidently Lord. Keep touches us Lord, we love being rocked by your power, display it Lord, it's exciting and we love it. We love feeling your Holy Spirit. We just love you Lord. Amen
Hi Christina,
Couldn't access your facebook post about Julian Adams (says it's private). I very much enjoyed reading about your experience of the evening at the Kerith Centre. Sounds like you have an amazing gift of being able to see the Shekinah. How encouraging is that, those Angels unlocking something in the Spiritual realm ('whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven' Matt 16:19)?!? Looking forward to discovering with you what that gift is that was placed in your hand. Thanks for posting.
The Shekinah? What is The Shekinah? I shall have to google it I think.
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