Sunday, 24 June 2007

Jesus: The real Time Lord!

I can remember one of the many Godly teachers I have encountered in my walk with Jesus saying that if we ask God a question, leave it with him and listen for the answer, we will receive one, but to be patient and to listen closely as the answer may not come immediately or in a way we will recognise unless we're looking for it. Some time this year I was wondering about the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus, recorded in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, where Moses and Elijah appear and speak with Jesus. It seemed contrary to OT admonitions about consulting the spirits of the dead, and yet Jesus was without sin. "So what was that all about, Lord?" I asked, and left the question with him. Well, I think I've had my answer. Julian Adams spoke about the Transfiguration, and how for Moses it was the fulfilment of the promise that he would enter the promised land. In Exodus 33:11 we read that The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend. As I thought about all this, I caught a fresh glimpse of an awesome Lord of the Universe, able to step outside the confinements of physical law, to step outside time and space in order to meet up and have a chat with his friends …. wow!

'Faith: Your expectation is God's invitation'
Julian spoke about God's power being for all of us – that the NORMAL Christian life is one of amazing miracles, rich in the supernatural. "Your expectation is God's invitation". This reminded me of a letter I wrote to a non-believer back in September 2004, who had never encountered anything which was even remotely outside the realms of physical science. I wrote:
Is it possible that choosing not to believe in God is expressing a choice to sample this life entirely limited by the physical laws of the universe ... expressing a desire to play the game unaided? Conversely believing in God might be viewed as giving permission for the universe to behave unexpectedly. I have written previously in our correspondence that I think the psychological mechanism of expectation has wider implications than have yet been researched. You once wrote to me about the 'spooky action at a distance' effect that the 'big guns' in physics are exploring. It is always very tempting to dismiss what seem like wild claims for strange events that defy the laws of the universe that we see in operation around us daily ... it is even tempting when we might ourselves have been involved in some strange events, to seek to rationalise them or explain them away afterwards. Much as we might think we want miracles, it is actually very uncomfortable when they happen ... quite scary. Paradox./ Quote ends
Re-reading what I wrote back then in the context of Julian's visit and our subsequent experiences of the Holy Spirit moving upon us, I'm aware of the work the Lord has done in me over the intervening period, so that now I'm ready wholeheartedly to pray "Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth …" trusting that when we call, he answers and makes us bold and stout-hearted (Psalm 138:3). I'm currently reading a useful book on Receiving the Gifts of the Spirit – when I've finished it, I'll bring it to Cell group in case anyone wants to borrow it. I found in it the encouragement I needed to step out in faith this morning and bring the words that I'd received, though it seemed a small offering. It was REALLY encouraging to hear Sarah and Mark grasping those words and bringing meaning out of them, and seeing people respond. Once again, WOW! Thank you, Lord!


christina mckenzie said...

It's such a priviledge to be in the 'blessing' do you feel it Trish? Like God's comign upon us? When I say 'us' I don't mean 'us' I mean his church. Do you feel it?

Trish said...

Yes - also feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation at more to come; feeling that we've only just begun ...

Trying to remember what the prophecy was about revival coming to the UK. Am I right in thinking it mentioned flooding as a precursor?

christina mckenzie said...
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