Sometimes in our lives we can come up against enormous battles and fights.
The fight or battle could be something that is taking over us; it could be worry, a doubt, perhaps health problems.
It could be that one moment we are happily sailing through life when, out of the blue,
Life happens, it just happens!
And how life can be piercing in all its’ rawness.
There are alot of people from God’s word who know and understand battles, however, when we think of battles, does Abraham ever come to mind?
Abraham, whose life can be found in Genesis, sums up all that we should and could grow to be. He the father of all nations, the one whom once was father to none became father to the countless many.
In my blog before, I mentioned that success is faithfulness, obedience and righteousness; Abraham shouts a full house here. So, how did Abraham deal with the battles afore mentioned?
Battle number 1 ‘Should I stay or should I go?’
Imagine, jus for a moment, that you are sitting on your very cosy sofa, you have a hot mug of tea and you rest your feet from a hard day. Your loved one snuggles up next to you, the T.V. shows your favourite show, the one you’ve waited all week for.
Shortly after this, your doorbell goes and it’s a very dear friend. You make your friend a tea as well and you both settle to watch the programme, which you both enjoy.
Next, the phone goes and on the end of the line is a family member who has invited you out for the evening, with a group of friends, in fact the whole family can go with you and they do. Before you know it, you are in a place surrounded by those you love and those who love you. You are comfortable and you’re content…
Then God says to you, ‘GO.’
‘Go from here. Leave England, leave the friends you know and love, leave the family members you’re familiar with and go, to this land I will show you.’
Strangely enough, I’m very much reminded of Alex and Ivane as they venture to be obedient to the call of God on their lives. As they leave all that they know and love to be in South Africa.
So, the battle. Can you imagine? Abraham must have had such a battle in his mind. Yet, he did as God had told him. How I admire his obedience, courage and confidence.
Abraham went through hard times too, it wasn’t all hippy magic, as if he were to say, ‘Hey dude, I’m a nomad! Is that an oasis I see before me? Or have you been feeding me strange ones’
Abraham leaves all he knows and loves, falling straight into the arms of a famine. Well, we think ‘famine’ and it doesn’t have quite the same impact unless we feel our stomachs pressing against our backbones. But, God must have sustained him as he survived and to be amidst a famine would have been battle enough.
Shortly after he escapes death by the skin of his teeth as he rubs shoulders with Pharoah. Alright, I’ll give you that one, Abraham lied and so brought it upon himself.
However, such was God’s grace that Abraham got away lightly, I’d imagine when Pharaoh realised that the disease he was inflicted with was because he was with Abraham’s wife and not Abraham’s sister he might have had one of 2 thoughts, kill him or send him away.
Thankfully, for Abraham, and the nations thereafter, Pharaoh sent him away.
But of all the battles [and with Abraham I’m sure you could think of many] the battle that impresses me the most at this present time, is the literal one:
Genesis 14:1
4 Kings and their army fight 5 Kings and their army. Can you imagine! Hundreds and hundreds of men going to war. Not King on King but 9 Kings and their armies all fighting for 2 years!
When the 4 Kings overthrew the 5 Kings and also took Lot (Abraham’s Nephew) captive, Abraham got involved with his trained men, won over one of the lead Kings and all the other Kings allied with Abraham!
If this were today the headlines would be extraordinary.
Abraham in all his confidence, steps up and defeats the enemy. Does he sit for ages pondering whether or not he had the ability? Did he ever wonder if his trained men were up to the task? Perhaps he prayed and fasted, this we don’t know. However, I feel he didn’t much hesitate. He had already trained men so he was prepared rather than hesitant.
A hard act to follow huh?
But we have our own battles, perhaps not on the same geographical scale, perhaps not between kingdoms, but its our own kingdoms, the kingdoms of our hearts.
Maybe we could learn a few small lessons from Abraham. After all he was prepared before this huge undertaking. Therefore, we should be prepared.
Have a rich and daily relationship with God, trust him too,
‘Abraham believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.’
We all now know that righteousness is given by God and it’s the key to success.
We can be obedient, not questioning, just do. That’s easier said than done though. Anyhow, either we believe God is God, or we don’t and if we believe he is God then do, go, move forward, progress in his plan.
Perhaps we don’t progress any further because we grow weary or tired of fighting.
Even we are scared off by the foe. Or sometimes we focus on the wrong things instead of focussing on the way ahead.
For the battle, whatever it may be, is not to be feared.
It cannot exhaust us,
Psalm 29 11 The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
And it mustn’t distract.
For God is with us in everything we do, everything we go through and all that we face.
I know in my own battles I am ever thankful to God that he was right by my side.
Psalm 119:92:
If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
But most of all we must hang on to the truth that God allows all things to happen. He gives and he takes away. Therefore, he is the one in charge, he allows all things, no one is above God or has authority over him.
If this be the case then the battle is not ours. If the battle is not ours then whose battle is it?
Chronicles 20:15:
'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's.
The battle belongs to God. Ask him which part you play in it before assuming your role, prepare in this way by asking him.
Remember also that God is good, he knows you, your thoughts and your heart and do you think he doesn’t want to love you with all that he has?
Psalm 145:16
You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
We may not always get what we think we want but God doesn’t disappoint. If we face disappointment it’s only the weed, we ourselves allow to seed and take root.
After all, he’s the creator of all, he began the beginning, he breathed life into us, he’s awesome, he’s God and surprisingly…he really does know what he’s doing.
Christina McKenzie
Christina, this makes great reading - well done! Only one thing I don't quite understand is why your posts aren't appearing as the most recent, on the date you post them where they would be easy to find, but are tucking themselves away underneath my Sunday post and claim to have been posted on Sunday at 02.11 am!
Any ideas how to counteract that?
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