Friday, 10 August 2007

The Prayer of Jabez

The Jabez Prayer

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying,
"Oh, that You would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your hand would be with me,
and that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain!"
So God granted him what he requested.
1 Chronicles 4:10
I've been reading a book by Bruce Wilkinson about this prayer, sub-titled 'Breaking through to the Blessed life'. He believes this prayer contains the key to a life of extraordinary favour with God, and encourages everyone to pray the prayer each and every day, then look for the results - a life beyond our own limits, fully dependent on God, fully supported by God and fully protected from evil. Sounds good, huh? Look out for this book in a library coming to a church near you soon!


Mick Bright Kim said...

I would invite you

christina mckenzie said...

Whose the above Trish? Secret admirer? :o)Yes that book is good...

Trish said...

I wondered, too, so checked out his profile and I'm guessing he writes intriguing things in blogs recently updated as a way of enticing people to check out his site where it looks like he's selling his artwork. His profile has been viewed over a 1,000 times.

christina mckenzie said...

LOL Trish, I'm off on holiday now. Enriko and Ali are staying in my home. If anyone wants to get together after church for a meal etc I'm happy for my home to be used. I've sent Rachel her card she will get it early. If there are any get togethers send my love. Please pray for my friend Tania, prayer points:
1.That she is dealt with sensitively.
2. That she is vindicated.
3.That the authorities (Hillingdon) are shown up for what they really are and do to/for vulnerable people.
4.That she is found suitable accomodation within the next week or soon.
5.That she really likes it and is close to her network/support of family, friends and work.
6. That she recognises Jesus has answered her needs.

Also pray for Amrita who has multiple illness
1. That she is healed.
2. That she will see Jesus has healed her.
3. That she will turn from martial arts and false religions.

Thank you Trish, have a good week :o)

christina mckenzie said...

SorryTrish didnt realiseyouwere on holiday too. have a;lovel;y timeand loveto bev and markhav a lovely timetoo xxx (cantget used to thius keyboard!)