Monday, 1 October 2007

'From my notebook': Power & Creativity


We give some people power over us
- if we respect someone and trust their judgement, we give them the power to influence us (or alternatively, they win the power to influence us by gaining our respect).
- if we love someone, we give them power over us
- if we are afraid of someone, that allows them to have power over us
- authority vested from outside (eg. boss to subordinate relationship).


'The bible reading today was about memories - how we try to suppress the bad ones, but they pop up at times to drag us down. As I meditated on what I had learned (and asked healing for my own painful memories), I came to a full realisation that LOVE INSPIRES CREATIVITY (whether the creation might be an artistic work, or sometimes it might be something more ethereal, like the success we make of our lives). When we love, it inspires us to greater heights (eg. Hazel's current artistic embroidery of the dove). Also led me on to ask whether the great creative geniuses had a greater capacity for love. Would be interesting to find out whether they were particularly inspired by love. Love is a reaching out to others - just as creativity is. Where is the joy in creating something if we are the only ones to experience it - if we have no audience to appreciate it. We seek the appreciation of those we love for the things we do that we are proud of. One discouraging word about our creation from someone we love is more powerful than paeons of praise from someone for whom we feel no respect/love.

God created the world. His creation was perfect and beautiful. He wants His children (whom He loves) to love Him and to appreciate the beauty of His creation.

From my notebook: 15th April 1987

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