Sunday, 28 December 2008

Thoughts/Notes on Today's Beacon Church Meeting

During the worship, Mark spoke about his vision of a Christmas tree with many gifts underneath it, all yet to be unwrapped. These are the gifts God wants to give me (you) - every one for me (you)! Gifts of healing, prophecy, knowledge etc.

Dave N_ spoke on a passage from the Old Testament, the story of Ahimaaz in 2 Samuel chapter 18, verses 19 - 32.

'Are you a person of good report?', Dave asked us. He read a couple of extracts from the school reports of two well-known Beacon ladies and invited us to guess who they were.

Dave explained some of the background to the reading: Absalom was a much-loved son of King David, yet had set himself up as an enemy of the King. Despite this, King David issued instructions that his troops be gentle with Absalom when they went into battle against Absalom's troops. Nonetheless, Absalom is killed by Joab, one of David's Generals. In those days the only way of getting news from one place to another was by runner. Ahimaaz was considered by David to be a good man. He brought good reports. Ahimaaz wanted to run to David with the news that the Lord had delivered him from the hand of his enemies - yet Joab knew that David would be upset by the death of his son and didn't want Ahimaaz to run. Instead he sent another man to take the news to the King. Nonetheless Ahimaaz persisted and so Joab allows him to go. He outruns the other newsbearer and for a while as the King learns that a runner has been spotted in the distance bringing news, his hopes are raised. Ahimaaz arrives and delivers his news with a positive spin (not mentioning Absalom's fate). Then the other runner arrives and clarifies the position and David becomes downcast.

Dave's teaching points are that we learn to:
  • Focus on the Big Picture
  • Speak from our beliefs, not from our circumstances

Elsewhere in the Bible we are told that King David was a man 'after God's own heart'. If we look a little deeper into this story, we can learn something more about God's perspective. If you have time, you might find it interesting and instructive to read this article by Ray C. Stedman. (Click on the link and it will take you to another website).

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

Dad came to stay with us Christmas. He visited us the week before with tons of alcohol!

One day there was nothing under our tree and the next day there was beer and about 20 packs of Bacardi Breezers and Bailey’s and Champagne and so on and so on.

It did make me giggle, ‘Thank Dad.’ I said.

To Dad, this is such a good Christian thing to do. They say the gift you give to others is really what you’d like yourself.

When the girls were little I became dependent on alcohol. I would drink Whisky during the day while they were at school and it killed the feeling, the inadequacy of life, just dulled the senses I guess and it felt good.

When I sobered up though, I felt depressed and I couldn’t sleep as my sleep was so deep that I woke up too early and couldn’t sleep again. What’s more I always felt groggy. No one knew about my drinking, I don’t think. I didn’t tell anyone and I was careful to mask the smell on my breath.

I was 20 [16 years ago] with two children, unemployed, sacked from my factory job, I had a mum whose only concern was her boyfriend and an absent father who was an alcoholic himself.

I remember when my Dad went to Alcoholic’s Anonymous and he brought back the prayer

Lord, give me the grace to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I prayed this as a teenager and I truly believed the words in the prayer, trouble was, who was I praying to? I was praying to myself. I was Lord of my life. I knew of a general god like most people do but I was unaware of Jesus who is God, thee God, the one who answers prayer. I cried out ‘Lord’, but the Lord whom I had cried out to, was only too pleased to leave me where I was, on self-destruct.

It was only when I began to let Jesus into my life at the age of 28 that I realised there was more to life than the one that had befriended me and betrayed me.

So here I am, 2008, together now with my Dad [we met up again a few years ago] and all this alcohol under the tree.

Although, I walk through this life as a Christian, born-again, made new into this life with Jesus, he always reminds me that there’s a real world out there and to never forget it.

These days I can laugh off the alcohol, I can have a drink, but it doesn’t rule my life anymore and the good thing is my Dad can have a drink without becoming violent.

Instead, he has a drink and he falls asleep and that’s what I always dreamed of, a Dad who fell asleep after his drink. But surely, you’d prefer a Dad who didn’t drink? No, I love living with real and messy people. I love my colourful past and my just as colourful present, it’s what makes me real and I love my Dad.

He’s changed a lot and give him all due respect for changing, as the prayer asks, ‘Give me the courage to change the things I can.’ It took courage for my Dad to say, ‘I did wrong and I’m sorry.’ He didn’t quite say it like that LOL he actually said, ‘I’m sorry I was such a ******.’ But I know what he means, I understand my Dads language, it’s from the heart.

So Christmas Eve and my Dad’s on the beer. I ask him, ‘You are aware Dad that that we’re going to church later aren’t you?’

‘Aye’, he says. ‘But it’s ok, I’m not driving.’

‘Well Dad, there always seems to be a drunk at the back of the church on Christmas Eve and tonight it’s you!’ I said in a jokey fashion.

Sometimes you have to laugh at life otherwise it’d chew you up and spit you up like a piece of Wrigley’s.

So, we went to Midnight Mass, not the Catholic variety, but the Anglican sort, St Martin’s on The Old Dean.

It was good to see my work colleagues there aswell. Bob the vicar gave everyone a glow stick either to appeal to the teenagers or so that we could read in the dark. It appealed to my Dad who became a teenager with the beer inside him who couldn’t stop giggling and raised the glow sticks every so often in the ‘ACID…ACID’ generation style!

‘DAD! Stop it!’ I whispered with vigor.

He put his hand over his mouth and giggled quietly to himself like a naughty little boy.

St Martin’s had the church decorated out so lovely with the candles and Christmas lights. Bob’s teaching was spot on with exception to the bit about the shepherds being the outcast ‘Like Gypsies of today.’

It didn’t go down too well as I’ve just discovered my family are Gypsies, my Great Grand parent’s were travellers and then the family became settled travellers.

My Dad stopped laughing and I said a little prayer to Jesus, ‘Jesus, I will do anything for you if you would just bring my Dad’s fist under control.’

However, I need not have worried, my Dad was under control, he was a little merry with the beer and either didn’t hear or really has changed :O)

We went up for communion and had some bread and some wine. The wine was so very very strong that people were coughing left, right and centre.

It was nice going up for the Lord’s bread and wine which represents his body and Blood which was shed for us. It kinda makes you feel all Holy inside, except I had Antonia who was coughing so hard with the bread and the little old Lady in front of me who found the wine a little heavy on the chest.

.Everyone choking on The Lord’s bread and wine and Dad going back into his fits of giggles who himself was choking!

How can a girl pray with all this unholy commotion going on?

I told Antonia it was Port as it tasted like Port. Antonia looks at me with a glazed expression, ‘Mmmm I like Port.’

Oh boy! We need prayer for this generational curse!

When we got home, the girls and Dad went to bed and I wrapped all the presents as I do every Christmas Eve.

Earlier in the evening The Christmas dinner had been sorted, peeled, par boiled and made up all ready to go the following morning.

The table had been set, candles laid out and gold reindeer placed on each Christmas plate, Christmas music playing in the back ground while we all sang, ‘It’s the season, love and understanding, Merry Christmas everyone.’

My Dad playing air guitar to a bottle of beer and the ceiling dripping water onto me as I peeled and lopped the final sprout. Georgina had flooded the bathroom!

Music off, everyone rushing upstairs banging on the door, ‘GEORGINA! GEORGINA! THE FLOOR IS COMING THROUGH THE CEILING!’ Georgina come out, quite unimpressed with all the palaver, waltzed into her room with not a care in the world.

The water after what seemed like eternity stopped dripping through the ceiling and everyone was non the wiser how or why we had the problem to begin with, but at least the sprouts were done!

So, now it is 1am and everyone is in bed, the town sleeps as Christina wraps the presents to a glass of Bailey’s

As she wrote on the presents with the Sharpie pen, she heard an advert play out in her head, ‘SHARPIES WRITE ON ANYTHING!’

At the moment she saw the cat, the cat about to escape, Christina had the look of the hunt in her eyes as she writes Happy Christmas on the ears of the cat, the ginger Tom, Mitchell.

Sharpies really do write on anything!

Oh boy! Was it tiredness, was it the Bailey’s or just plain madness?

Who knows, the cat’s ok now by the way, just incase there are RSPCA fans among you. Mitchell is proudly parading his ‘Happy Christmas’ mark only needing to be updated for the New Year!


And so to sleep for me, Christmas tomorrow :O)

Christmas 2008

Well, it’s coming to the end of this year and it’s only right that I follow my heart in writing my usual end of year/ beginning of next thoughts and feelings. As much as I want to be a ‘What you see is what you get’ kind of person, and I think I am mostly, there are parts of me, like the flow of a river, a current that resonates underneath, that I’m not sure I want the whole world to see or read.
It’s not that I’m hiding it from people, just that I want to show honour to that part of me and keep it in it’s little quiet room which the plate ‘Privacy’ on the door.
I bought a diary, as I do every year, from Paper chase. Upon it 2009 beckons!
I love writing but being a lazy sort of bird, I prefer to tap my days out. Less exertion and more flavour :O)
So here’s the deal, you get to read my diary but I keep some things edited and in my personal book, printed out and not handwritten but stuck in and locked up all the same.

But you don’t have to tell anything I hear you all say, oh really? Firstly, it’s by my nature that I love to write, secondly, I believe that by showing the lighter side to life people begin to realise that we are all naked underneath this façade of ours and finally I want to do it, not to please you but because it’s something I want to do and if you know anything about me, you would know that it’s an unusual day that I don’t get what I want.
Are you spoilt Christina? No, I’m not spoilt, just know what I want and have drive and ambition to get it.

If I do come across a shut door, I just reline my thinking that God’s done it for a reason and I move on.

So here’s to it, raise your glasses and let’s say a big YAY to the online journal about to approach.

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Teaching by Crispin, The Crown Church, Hillingdon

The Gospel according to Luke

Mary said 'Yes'

"I am the Lord's servant, may it be as you have said."

When a man proposes to a woman he waits and waits for the 'Yes'. When the woman says 'Yes' the man is sooo excited.

God was excited when Mary said 'Yes to his proposal.

Mary let God shape her

Mary said 'Yes' with her life

God wants you to say 'Yes' with your life

What is God asking you to do?

How are you going to respond?

God is excited when you say 'Yes' to his proposal It wasn't about Mary's ability either is was all about her availability. She was highly favoured which means she had much Grace upon her

James 1:22 -24

Don't fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear! Those who hear and don't act are like those who glance in the mirror, walk away, and two minutes later have no idea who they are, what they look like. The Message

Another thing about Mary is that she emptied herself, she emptied herself of her own plan,& her ambitions for the future. She was an empty vessel ready to be filled by God, filled with Jesus

Mary also had to say 'No' she had no union with Joseph until she gave birth to Jesus. That must have been very difficult for her.You see, when you say 'Yes' to God you have to say 'No' to some things

It's not that these things are wrong, it's just that you must focus on what you've said 'Yes' to

When there was security over George Bush visiting Buckingham palace one year. The security wasn't really there to secure the palace but instead to bring security to the people inside. Just like this, Jesus is our security. He doesn't want to just secure our being but our very sprit inside.

We mustn’t just feel the need to secure a church building but we need to secure the fellowship of the people inside, that's more important to do.


Everyone has a kryptonite - what is your kryptonite?

Stay away from it!

Don't kid yourselves thinking you can go near it and still stay on the straight and narrow - flee from evil, your evil.

John 14:30

Evil has no claim on Jesus and so if you stay with Jesus and Jesus in you, evil will have no claim on you either.

Mary was misunderstood

She was unaccepted

She was threatened [to be divorced quietly]

People measure their success by the media: What car they have, house, clothes, lifestyle etc

[My words added]

Do not measure success by popularity, fame or fortune, instead measure success by F.O.R





When Jesus told Peter how he would be killed, Peter's first words were, 'But what about John?’ [you know the one who Jesus loved!]

Jesus says to you, stop looking at other people and measuring yourselves against them! This is about YOU!

Mary was strange

There was something different about her

And others didn't understand her or what God was doing in her life

The same goes for you. People may not understand what God is doing in your life and why you do the things you do, but keep doing them, be obedient to God.

So what was Joseph's response to all this?

Well Joseph was really angry. The woman who he was in love with was pregnant and it wasn’t his baby!

Joseph was going to divorce her. But the scripture reads: God's righteousness doesn't grow from human anger [James 1:20 ]

Joseph was going to do this 'quietly' to cause her no shame or embarrassment

Joseph was showing his love for her in this way

Well, guess what? God feels the same way about you!

God is a jealous God and although he has every right to 'divorce' us instead he pours out his love and mercy on us every day

Joseph was visited by an angel too, as he slept and although he was passionately angry as any man would be, he still heard the whisper of God's voice, heard and understood it.

Joseph was obedient even though God's plan wasn't in line with his own.

We must listen and hear God speak into every area of our lives. God's voice is like a whisper in the storm but we must try to hear him.

1 Kings 19: 12A hurricane wind ripped through the mountains and shattered the rocks before God, but God wasn't to be found in the wind; after the wind an earthquake, but God wasn't in the earthquake; and after the earthquake fire, but God wasn't in the fire; and after the fire a gentle and quiet whisper.

When you wash something up, you don't just empty it, you wash it, rinse it and drain it. This is what must happen to us so that we can be filled with God.

But does that mean we have to be perfect?


David had an affair with a married woman and killed her husband but God still used him

Abraham disowned his wife calling her his sister but God still used him

Peter disowned Jesus but the church was still 'built' on Peter

Paul killed thousands of Christian men & women but God still used Paul

And God can use you and I, imperfect vessels

Empty yourselves, draw close to him, listen and obey...

The Crown Church, Hillingdon

Well, it was a bit of a struggle to get out of bed this morning!

I usually have a lie in on Saturday mornings but had to go to the hairdressers then onto lunch with some friends followed by Christmas shopping. Therefore, Sunday should have been my lay in and it would have been had I not decided to visit places!

The Beacon had a Pantomime this afternoon and didn't have a Sunday morning service.

Choice, stay home and stay in bed OR visit another church?

Well, I visited another church.

As it happens it was Zack's [my nephew] birthday last Thursday. I usually visit my Dad & brother and their family on their birthday itself or the Sat/Sun closest to their day. I hadn't seen Zack and my Bro on Thursday coz I had the boiler fitted. The boiler man didn't leave until 7pm so Sunday it had to be [Saturday was just out of the question!]

As I was in London anyway visiting my bro & Nephew, I thought it would be an ideal time to visit The Crown church, Hillingdon, just up the road.

The Crown Church Website

The couple who lead The Crown are Pete & Nicky Cornford. They used to be part of The Beacon, Pete being an Elder. They have 3 young children who were mere babies when we saw them last.

It didn't take long to get there, about an hour. It was really easy to find with lots of signs everywhere so you don't drive passed!

They were so welcoming and lovely, no one pounced on you as you first walked in but equally, everyone was very friendly.

There was a gift pack with The Crown Church pen!


Pete was very proud of his gift pack!

Pete & Nicky recognised me but only just recognised my girls as they are all grown up now. After a while it all came back to them and we said we couldn't believe how big their youngest is now!

They begin their service with Tea & toast, lots of people kissing you hello on the cheeks with butter all over their cheeks!


I jest, the smell of toast was warm and inviting.

The worship or music we sing to God was outstanding, easy to follow yet filled with holiness that brought forth the feeling of being in awe of God, Jesus.

Their worship is SO lively! I don't think I saw one person not singing, clapping, raising their hands or shouting!

Indeed, you would have felt very strange not being lively, you would have looked odd!

One thing I noticed more than anything though was the men and how they worshipped God.

They praised and sang and lifted their arms and shouted praises to Jesus in a 'football' fashion and this was good and refreshing to see men so passionate for God.

There was also a moment of quiet, especially in the communion time. Everyone took this together which I puzzled how they would manage this as there must have been about 200 people there if not more!But they did and they captured the holiness of God even after such an energetic time previous.

Then Pete asked the people to pray out to God their desires for the world, there was no hesitance, everyone had something to pray about, no one held back and you could see the passion in these people and it was no mystery how and why they continue to receive God's favour.

I was expecting the prayers to die down after 3 people had spoken but the whole thing went on for about 10 minutes!


Such a passionate people.

Crispin preached this morning and he is such a gifted speaker. He spoke from Luke when the angel came to Mary and told her what was going to happen. He taught this passage in a way that I had never heard before and although it was about Mary, it held alot of relevance to the men of the church.

I have written about the preach in a separate note.

After the service, Pete Cornford prayed over my family we left to have MacDonald’s at Heathrow then onto My Bros

All in all it was a busy and tiring day especially with all the driving and playing Winnie the Pooh with my wee nephew who’s now 3!



I need to plan the week and Christmas and all sorts of things I haven’t yet done!

See you tomorrow :O)

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Sunday, 23 November 2008

Today's spontaneous words during Worship

Ruth offered the mental picture she had of the Lord's arms outstretched, touching those whose arms are reaching out to him. She reminded us: As you relate to each other, you can be the Lord's physical presence. His arms when someone is troubled - our arm around them, strengthening them can be the Lord's way of reaching them. As a child reaches out, we can demonstrate the Lord's love for that child. Whatever he places in our way on our journey - we don't have to hide God's love inside us, we can let it shine out. Be those arms to others, and have others who can be those arms to you.

Peter W_ : Somebody is feeling fearful - looking at things happening in the world. God seeks to remind you that the safest place is in the arms of Christ. 'I am absolutely sure that not even death or life can separate us from God's love. Not even angels or demons, the present or the future, or any powers can do that. Not even the highest places or the lowest, or anything else in all creation can do that. Nothing at all can ever separate us from God's love because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done.' (Romans 8:38-39)

Sarah B_: Had a mental picture of a hole, like a plughole - felt that someone is looking into this deep hole, fearful of falling into it - feels that God would say to you he will plug that hole - he will fill it so you won't fall in it.

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Today's spontaneous words during worship

"I know the plans I have for you - I want you to know me. I don't want to disappoint you; don't want you to miss out on all that I have for you. Lay yourself before me and allow me to speak to you. Draw near to me"
Paula read Psalm 42
verse 7 quoted here:
Deep calls to deep
in the roar of your waterfalls
all your waves and breakers
have swept over me.
Paula: God's Holy Spirit is here in power today - he wants to draw you deep into his love and blessings.

Adrian: Wonderful to be in the presence of the Lord; to know his beauty and tenderness, his love. We've sung about knowing he's our friend forever - there is no event where he won't be with you. He wants to reassure you of his ability to sustain you throughout eternity - he wants you to know his promise. His tenderness can take your breath away - his love will sustain you through all eternity.

Anti read from Isaiah 52 and prayed thanks.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 ~ Friendship

As the credit crunch grips the nation, Lorraine asks us:
Where is your hope? Is it in your wealth, your stocks and shares? Our hope is in the Lord and in His grace.

Sarah B_ sings a love song to Jesus:
How can it be, 'cos you're beautiful,
Lovely, precious,
Yet you shine your light on me
The light of love ...
because you're beautiful,
You're precious, I love you.

You made me beautiful
made me precious
changed my ugliness into beauty -
please keep changing me
so my life will never be the same.

Nigel: Keep changing us, Oh Lord - we don't want to be the same: same attitudes, same thoughts - thank you that you love us enough to keep changing us.

Chris L_ read from Isaiah 61:1 - 3
The Year of the LORD's Favour
The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favour and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendour.

Mark preached from Ecclesiastes 4:7 - 12
(verses 9 - 12 quoted below)
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:
If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no-one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Mark began by observing that our modern culture permits us to conduct our lives without making personal, face-to-face contact with our fellow man - we can do our banking and shopping from the comfort of our seat in front of the computer at home. Yet the Bible promotes the notion of relationship. We looked at some classic Biblical friendships, such as David and Jonathon - for example, 1 Samuel 23:16
And Saul's son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him to find strength in God.
From this, Mark deduced that the main characteristic of a good biblical friendship is to help your friend find strength in God. This is how we should be. Ungodly friends may encourage us to do ungodly things - we need to be different, to assist those around us to seek the Lord in all circumstances.

Mark went on to suggest that most people feel lonely from time to time - even married people or those in seemingly close families - we cannot presume that because someone has other people around them, they do not feel lonely.

Proverbs 18:24 (Authorised Version)
He who would have friends must make himself friendly, for there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Mark encouraged us
  • to move towards others;
  • to develop depth to friendships
Here are some of the exhortations from the New Testament on how to be friendly:
love one another
depend on one another
be devoted to one another
outdo one another in sharing honour
rejoice with one another
weep with one another
have the same mind towards one another
don't judge one another
accept, counsel, greet one another
care for one another
serve one another
bear one another's burdens
be kind to one another
forgive one another
forbear with one another
encourage one another
build up one another
be hospitable
don't speak evil against one another
confess your sins to one another
have fellowship with one another

Mark gave us an A-Z of friendship:
A friend
Accepts you as you are,
Believes in you,
Calls you just to say "Hi!"
Doesn't give up on you,
Encourages you
Forgives your mistakes,
Gives unconditionally,
Helps you when you need a hand!
Ignores your little flaws,
Just wants to be with you,
Keeps you close to their heart,
Loves you for who you are!
Makes a difference in your life!
Never judges unfairly,
Offers support,
Picks you up when you're down!
Quiets your fears,
Raises your spirits,
Says nice things about you,
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it!
Understands you,
Values the good things in you,
Walks beside you through sun or rain!
Xplains things you don't understand,
Yells when you won't listen,
ZAPS you back to reality when you need it!

(Except where indicated, Bible verses quoted from New International Version)

Sunday, 19 October 2008

God has 'set eternity in the hearts of men'

During the worship, Mark spoke aloud in tongues. Peter explained that it is our custom to wait for the interpretation so that "we're not just blessed by the sound of Mark's voice but also by the meaning of the words inspired by the Spirit". As we waited, Stuart brought us some words from Psalm 103:

Praise the LORD, O my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the LORD, O my soul,

and forget not all his benefits-
who forgives all your sins

and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things

so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

then Sarah S_ stepped forward with these words:

"Oh God, I see you up on high above the mountains,
stretching out the heavens.
Stretching out the stars as you name each of them
You are magnificent God
You are so wonderful God
How fortunate we are that you came down
You came down for us
To restore our way to the Father"

"Holy we cry because you care for us.
You are never far from me
We worship you Jesus, holy one, we worship you"

Christina shared the following:

"I had a picture in my mind of a huge house, like a town house and the following verses from the Gospel (John 1:1-3):

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

and Christina offered the reassurance:

"If you feel there is no place for you - there is a room for every one of you in our Father's house".

Margaret B_: "We've been singing of seeing God in His glory ...

(Revelation 1:12-18):

I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands was someone "like a son of man," dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.
When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

We welcomed Dan and Izzy into membership, and Izzy told us her story of becoming a Christian.

Mark preached on Ecclesiastes 3:

What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil—this is the gift of God.

Mark spoke about actions having consequences: consequences of sex might include a baby - an abortion - STD - damaged relationships - damaged hearts; consequences of cumulative borrowing might be debt that brings institutions crumbling down; consequences of decades of the motor car and decades of abuse of this planet might be pollutants in the atmosphere and in the sea. We may be living for instant gratification, but God has 'placed eternity in the hearts of men'. Mark suggested it is part of our job as Christians to put people in touch with eternity in their hearts, that they might find the peace of God. He quoted Blaise Pascal, who said:

'Those who live as if there is no afterlife will gain nothing if they are proved to be right and will lose everything if they are proved to be wrong. Those who live as if the present influences the next world, have lost nothing if they are proved to be wrong and will have gained everything if they are to be proved right'.

Mark went on to quote various scriptures relating to judgment and eternal punishment for those who refuse to accept Christ's atonement, and to preach against the idea pervading what one might term ‘the liberal church’ that the concept of eternal punishment is not consistent with a belief in a loving God.

What follows is my response to the doctrine of eternal punishment:

So as Christians we're supposed to be all right with that are we? All right with the idea that some people will suffer ‘eternal fire’ in the afterlife? Surely the yardstick for Christians is “What would Jesus say/think/do?” Do you think the idea of some people suffering eternal punishment is alright with Jesus? I don’t think so, else why did he pray from the cross, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do”? His forgiveness completes the perfection of his sinlessness.

Elsewhere in the gospels, Jesus promises that if we ask in faith, our requests will be granted (Matthew 7:7 – 12):
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. "Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
John 14:12 – 14):
“I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

Recently we have received several calls to intercede on behalf of individuals, our community, our town, our nation, and all nations. Seems to me the promise is there that if we ask the Father, then there will be no question of anyone suffering eternal punishment.

Sunday, 12 October 2008

The accident that happened last year...

Your rod and your staff, they comfort meI can’t claim to have done mighty things, I haven’t. I can’t tell you how I’ve changed the world, that, I have not done either. However, I can tell you how once I heard the voice of God, how I have felt his embrace and how I have seen the power of God with my very eyes.
August, 2007, I took my girls and I to Cyprus for a holiday. We loved it there. Such a beautiful place and to be honest, until my feet touched sand, I couldn’t really believe how truly God blesses me.Before we left, the guys who were looking after our home, prayed over us and I took their prayer to heart, actually studying the scripture while I was out there.
These are extracts from my study as the days unfolded. I had no clue as to what I was to encounter. At first you may think this is bible drivel , but stay with it even just reading a bit a day – at the end there is a miracle! And take into account the words God gave me to study, the lessons learnt and how they helped me, helped us in this, what could have been tragedy.Continued...

The accident that happened last year continued...

Monday, 13 August 2007The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want...

I truly thank Jesus, my Lord and my God for blessing me such that I can afford to take my family on holiday to Cyprus.Woweee! What a beautiful place!

Why are you on the PC? I hear you say. Well, I’ve already sunbathed for 4 hours so I need to have a rest!


I have been looking at the Psalm 23, I haven't really initiated this, as you may know, Ali (from Sweden) and Enriko are living in our home, taking care of it and feeding the cats (I hope! LOL).

Well, you see, before we left, they prayed over us and our home. One of the prayers was Psalm 23.

So, although I am actually studying Genesis, I thought it would be nice to go through this popular and wonderful Prayer to God.

Firstly, when I read this prayer I looked at the term 'Lord'. I wondered if Jesus is only the shepherd to those who are 'his' Or to those who consider Jesus as their Lord.Then I looked back on my life and of those I know and I remembered that Jesus has always been with me, protecting me and loving me during the bitter and twisted happenings of my life. And not just me, Jesus is always with us, with or without us calling him Lord or God.You see Jesus loves all of us.

Even if we turn from him, even if we never accept him; he loves us.This is the beauty of the heart of God, his mercy and his unconditional love for us, his creation.Let's say that no one accepted the sacrifice of Jesus, Jesus still would have been obedient to the call of his Father, if for whatever the reason God, the father, called the sacrifice to be.I guess what was going through my mind was, perhaps, I have a God, a shepherd, someone who watches over me and... well... you don't!After all, it does say 'The Lord' is my shepherd. You have to make him your Lord before 'it works'.How arrogant can a Christian be? As if the sheep chose Jesus as a shepherd, no, the sheep need a shepherd but it is the shepherd who owns the sheep.

I have wanted God to speak to me in a different way through this Psalm and not in the way we usually look at it.Today, I have learnt that Jesus was Lord at the beginning of time, is Lord now and will always be 'Lord'. The same yesterday, today and forever. The bible reads.So if we read it like this: Jesus is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. It sounds different. Jesus will always be Jesus, The Lord will always be Lord. Regardless of yours or my opinions or decisions.So, it's not that he is Lord because we make him Lord. It's because Jesus, God, 'The Lord' is just that, 'Lord' and that title remains whether we believe it or not.Whether a Christian or not God decides to shepherd us and how he does it is up to him. If we do find ourselves in lack, it's by his authority, as everything is under his authority anyway. Chances are, as a Christian, we will not often be in lack unless it's character building. However, God can choose, albeit occasionally, to provide just as well for a non Christian too if he chooses too...he is 'Lord'.

Right, back to sunbathing :o)

Continued 1

Thursday, 16 August 2007

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leads me by still waters...

Well, I haven't been able to blog on here as the net has been down. It's 5am and I can't sleep as it is so hot. We have air con, but it's still too hot to sleep!

I have been looking at the Psalm 23 and I have asked God to show me a different perspective on this. When we look at the verse above (made the title of this blog) we have an image of sheep and David having a rest after a long hot day perhaps.I view these green pastures as a place of nourishment for the sheep. I see it as a metaphor for a place of nourishment for us.

The important part of the verse here, is that it reads that God leads us to the place of nourishment. It is God who provides and leads us to spiritual nourishment. As our parent (and shepherd) God knows our need and when we have a need and what will quench that need.Sheep need water and grass to exist and we need spiritual nourishment to exist.

I find that even non-Christians have a desire to seek spiritual nourishment, even though it is perhaps not with Jesus.I'm not suggesting the non Christian way is a good way or the best way, but even if we reject Christ, we, as humans, are spiritual beings desiring to seek spiritual fulfillment in some way.

Note: God leads us to good spiritual nourishment, he shows us the way to it - we can desire to accept it, or not.

What is your spiritual fulfillment?

It may not be rest as David who wrote the Psalms found it. It's different for everyone. For me? Just being alone with Jesus, just me and him, that feeds me.God knows each one of our spiritual thirsts, God knows our exact need. Ask him for it and you'll be satisfied.

Continued 2

He leads me by still waters...

Water; without it, there is no life. Still waters conjure up all kinds of images, beautiful sites like the Lake District perhaps? With the picturesque landscape reflecting in the mirror of fresh waters. Still, tranquil, rest, quiet, peace.So at a guess, David found rest by such places. He was a shepherd before his kingdom days and this was no doubt one reasons how and why he related to God as thee shepherd.

David the shepherd more than likely led his sheep to the waters to drink and himself too. As a result of all this nourishment and refreshment he may have found solace and peace. However, although a quaint, idylic scene, we don't all find peace by still waters.

I was in a bay of shallow waters, crystal clear, turquoise with blue fish swimming around. As it is part of the Mediterranean sea it is very warm. My feet resting on white sand with rather large waves lifting me, then a rushing of white as the crest of the waves broke over me. It wasn't quiet or peaceful, yet, I found peace here.

Where do you find peace? Is it in the quiet and calm or is it in the blood rushing activity of life?We are all different, find your peace. Be at peace with God and drink the water of life such that you will not thirst.

Continued 3

He restores my soul...

What does restoration mean?

To restore anything, is to make it as good as it was before. Before what? Before the fall. How comforting and hopeful that God is able to restore our soul as good as it was before sin had spoiled everything. Even in a world such as this.

It is possible, God can do it. It's rare but it can be done. We can be as perfect as before the fall - if he, The Lord Jesus restores us to our former glory. And that is a union of his will and our asking of it in prayer.

Continued 4

He guides me in paths of righteousness for his names sake...

The girls and I are having a marvelous time here on the Isle of Aphrodite! It is just simply beautiful. It seems that without fail we quickly become friends with those we meet. We have been shopping along Nissi Avenue and found an Indian shop!

Everyone knows how much I love India and someday would love visit. Indeed, if I had not had India on my mind constantly, we never would have entered this store and met this lovely and sweet family! Oh the smells! So exotic. Giorgos and his sisters Andrea and Aphrodite (nice name!) have quickly come to know us and we meet daily.We have bought things in their shop but they keep giving us things! Expensive things too, incense, silk scarves and necklaces. I told the girls it's the blessing on our lives.Thank you Jesus for your blessings, thank you that you are so wonderfully generous to us through people such as Giorgos and his sisters.Thank you that I see your love for us daily, in your provision and in your company as you walk beside us...

Praise and bless you my sweet Lord.


Thursday, 16 August 2007

Even though I walk through the shadow of death...

It’s strange that I should study this on holiday! I don’t feel like I’m in the shadow of the valley of death! God must be talking about my past and how close I came to it more than once!

In Isaiah it reads:

'I would have perished under my affliction, if it wasn't for your law.'

God has a law - the law of life. The universe lives by the law of life, it's a simple law; one law.It speaks, 'Everything is under and by my authority,' Thus sayeth the Lord.

I look back to all I have been through. I know everyone has a story and one day I shall tell you mine.

I think about the language used here and here are some thoughts:

lived': Learned, experienced, gained wisdom in, as a result of.

Through': Not left behind, no barrier or blockage but a steady way through, passing entrance and exit.

'Perish': To be crushed under the weight of. To be worn out of use of. Exhausting a resource, to die, to exist no more.

It was by God's law of authority that I 'lived through' my afflictions. God authorised my journey with no detours, he allowed all that happened...

Bad things happen to good people and bad things happen to those who love God. Why? We don’t know, does he protect us? Yes he does. Then why do things go wrong? We don’t know why sometimes God protects us from calamity and why other times he allows things to happen to us though we feel at the time we cannot bear it.

One thing for sure is that God is there with us in it and he gives us strength to endure it.

Suffering is included in many other religions and yet seen as part of it and is not questioned. Why then can we not accept that God, Jesus might allow what we perceive bad things to happen to us?

There’s lots of reasons behind suffering in the Christian faith but one of them is to bring strength of character, another is to help others who are also suffering. So why have suffering at all? Well, once there was no suffering until man decided to walk away from God thinking he didn’t know best, well why would he? You know, your maker? Your designer. Why would he have the manual to your life?

And still today people think this way – I did.

But do we go our own way or do we just think that we do?

Proverbs 16:9 reads In his heart a man plans his course but the Lord determines his steps...

and I am wiser, more able and mature as a result of this. I regret nothing, only seeing how God turns all things round, for our good and his glory.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

' I would have perished under my afflictions, if it wasn't for your law.'

Thankyou God for your law.

Continued 6

I will fear no evil...

Still not totally sure why God has given this me to study but I’ll go with it for now.

The girls have made friends with a Manchester couple with teenagers, Jane and Mike. The girls knew Mike because he is the famous male nurse in Alderhay’s children’s hospital. When my girls were growing up, they watched him on the BBC. They seem really nice people and maybe I’ll get to know them sometime too.

Anyway, back to scripture:

I am reminded of Acts 5:15 Where people placed their sick ones in Peter's shadow, such was the power of God upon and in Peter that even his shadow was used by God!

When we are under the protection of a God such as this, we have no need to fear evil. We musn't fear evil in man either:

Proverbs 29:25Fear of man will prove to be a snare but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.

I wrote a prayer in one of the most darkest periods of my life, I want to share it with you:

The darkness does not have the upper hand,So, I will not avenge the darkness.
Instead, the vengeance belongs to The Lord.
I have learnt that my vengeance is angry, is cruel, is selfish,
God's vengeance is righteous and pure.
I want to bring hurt and pain,
But God wants to cleanse from sin and bring peace.
My vengeance is dark - darkness cannot fight darkness, for they are on the same side,
God's vengeance brings light to darkness,
The darkness is powerless and has no where to hide,
Darkness is defeated by God's light.
I will trust in God's light, I have a new life now and I will see it as exciting.
Lord Jesus, sometimes I feel that the darkness has the upper hand, Sometimes I feel it's strong pull,
Sometimes I feel it calling me,"Christina, Christina, look over here, look at the things you have lost. There is no hope for the future, you have too many ties to the past."
I ask you Jesus, quell that dark voice, Deafen me to it's call,
Replace the anxiety it brings with peace.
I will remind the darkness that the blood of Jesus prevails over it.
I will remind the darkness that neither money nor possessions have any hold over me.
The truth is, I have no ties to the past,
For the past has been broken by the blood of Jesus.
I have no need to feel anxious,
I have hope in God, In Jesus, my Lord.
My future is set before me,
My Jesus leads me,
I will not stumble,
Though the ground may give way or the storms may gust.
My Lord Jesus upholds me and gives me strength.
I have lost nothing, but I have gained all I need.
But, the ground will not always give way and the storms will not always gust,Therefore I do have hope for my future,
There is always hope found in Jesus.

Continued 7

Friday, 17 August 2007

I could not sleep at all last night!

I just kept thinking about God and how the next part of this verse fits into my holiday – your rod and your staff they comfort me.

Well I don’t really understand it you see. Isn’t it to do with discipline and guidance?

I dunno, but I got up at 4am and sat on the beach staring into the bay. There was no one and the warm air brushed my hair to flowing. The sun was only just rising but it was not sunny and it was just calm.

Why Lord?

Why Lord, would you give me such scripture about evil and discipline and protect and all these things I just don’t understand.

Yet I know Jesus, you gave it to me?

He said this to me:

For you are with me
Jesus is with you
Jesus is with you
He’s by your side
He’s there to lead
He’s there to guide
Jesus is with you
He’s all around
He’s in the quiet
He’s in the sound
Jesus is with you
He feels what you feel
He holds you close
He holds you near

But Jesus, I don’t feel bad or guilty or lost or depressed or anything. I’m really really happy! Why, would you say these words to me?! I don’t want to hear this, it means nothing. It’s irrelevant and wrong. You promised me that Cyprus would be the last of the Job years and so I’m enjoying life now and I feel blessed. Don’t spoil it with things from the past. I’m over the past and I want to move on. Please Jesus, don’t speak these words to me.

I shut my book, my thoughts and went back to bed…

All Friday I couldn’t get passed the previous verses I had studied, ‘Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, your rod and your staff, they comfort me.’

It troubled me, I thought of it walking down to the town, I thought about it in the sea and I thought about it in bed. I thought about it all of Saturday too and I just couldn’t teach about the rod and the staff.

Then, on the Sunday, my daughter had an accident!

She was hit in the sea and suffered several blows to her head. A family we met, were medically qualified, and did 1st Aid on Antonia and although Antonia was semi conscious in the sea, she was still able to be pulled to safety. I can honestly tell you this, that I was not scared. I put my hand on Antonia’s head as we rushed her to the hospital and I said, though we walk through the shadow of the valley of death, we will fear no evil! For your rod and your staff they comfort me.

I repeated it over and over I declared it, I believed it, I prayed instantly for Antonia’s healing and quick recovery.

Antonia's injuries:
Concussion, A slice across her cheek, which was quite deep, a fracture to her lateral wall, a fracture to the orbital wall, a broken nose and bone had splintered on the side to her nose. She had bleeding in her sinus cavity and her long tooth knocked out.

Continued 8

I was holding Antonia’s hand in the emergency room and she was slipping in and out of consciousness. I felt that God had taught me in the past to let go of everything and to let his will be done even if it’s not what I want.

I felt this was such a test for me, very much like when God told Abraham to sacrifice Issac to test his obedience. I said to God, ‘Your will be done Lord, even if it’s not what I want. I want her to live but your will is more important than mine and if you are ready to take her Lord than I am willing.’

When Antonia was conscious I prayed healing over her and said God’s power was in Peter’s shadow so his power can heal you now and then when Antonia was unconscious I said to God, ‘Your will be done.’

I went to The india shop were Antria and Giorgos were, the Cypriot family we had met in the week and they visited Antonia everyday, brought us food and water and washed our clothes. Georgina stayed with Antria during the night as she wasn’t allowed to stay at the hospital and I stayed with Antonia and nursed her better.

We called our church and asked for prayer. They held a Friday night prayer vigil where everyone asked God to heal Antonia.

Antonia had looked like she had had a stroke. The left side of her face was sagging and she couldn’t move it. The bleeding in her sinuses were a worry too and not to mention the emotional pain she was going through.

I popped over to the hotel for 2 hours in the day just to get a break. On one of the days I visited the hotel I walked into the pool area and everyone stopped doing what they were doing and applauded me.

I have no idea why, God and Antonia needed the applause I did nothing beyond my call of duty.

I did what most mothers would do, love their child.

About 200 people stared at me and I didn’t really know where to look.

‘This is for you.’ They said.

They had gone round and collected money that the girls’ birthdays wouldn’t be so bad. It was there birthday while all this had happened.

Then they played a song:

I cried.

It was funny how Ali [from Sweden] had prayed the protection prayer over us and Abba are from Sweden…How funny : O)

Well, I sat down and sobbed and sobbed.

Continued 9

Antonia had visited Malawi that year too and they were contacted and prayed for Antonia.

In the Winter, Antonia had been to Sweden and everyone in Sweden were praying for Antonia’s quick recovery.

Infact, there were many prayers on there way to God and boy! Did God answer us?!

I saw Antonia heal before my very eyes!

It took one day for Antonia’s face to stop sagging and move. It took 7 days for most of the bruising and swelling to go. On the 8th day, Antonia was able to fly home with me and George. There was a young Cypriot boy who we randomly met and he offered to pay for a taxi to take us direct to the airport.

All three of us sat on the pavement outside the hospital in Cyprus and I held my daughters in my arms.

It was midnight and the lamp was flickering outside near the the road. The crickets were cricketing and I put a song on my Mp3, it was strange that the shuffle had played this song:

We all had a tear in our eyes as we sat in complete silence, listening to the words and I said to God in my mind, why God? Why? My only love, my beautiful daughters. Everything else has been taken from me, and I have suffered tremendous suffering.

God reminding me of the words he gave me the previous day, Jesus is with you, he feels what you feel…

I also realized how God must have felt seeing his only son being battered and killed. At least my daughter had life. I know Jesus came back to life, but my daughter didn’t even die!

I squeezed my girls tight and said to God, ‘Now, stop testing my faith, I love you and will never turn away.’

Before long the taxi was there and we got to the airport safely, all paid for!

Continued 10

However, when we reached the airport desk, they had no record of our tickets.

Oh that’s great God!

Just flippin great!


Then, a man came to us, ‘The reason we can’t find your tickets, is because you’re looking in the wrong place. You have first class tickets, come this way..’

I said sorry to God and we walked through to luxury.

When we touched down at Heathrow, Roger Loveday kindly met us and took us home.

Immediately, we went to The Royal Surrey Hospital and showed them the x-rays.

‘Yes,’ Said the surgeon. ‘You do have all the injuries, we can see on these X-rays but we just need to take some more to see how you’ve healed.’

However, when they looked at the X-rays they saw that there was no evidence of the fractures apart from the symptoms!

Normally you’d have swelling near the brain and Antonia didn’t get any of that!

‘So, is that normal then? You know, healing in 9 days?’

‘Er…nope!’ came the reply. ‘I don’t quite understand it. I can see she had fractures. And this was a week ago?’

‘Well, 9 days.’

‘I would say that with fractures like these, she would begin to heal in 6 weeks time and it would take longer to recover completely.’

‘so, is that a miracle then?’ I asked

‘I guess it is,’ She replied.

Now, Antonia did have to have her nose fixed and there were still emotional scars for all 3 of us but wow! What an awesome God we have!

I have included some pictures so that you can see how Antonia healed and how beautiful she is.

But all the praise and glory goes to Jesus...

Today's Spontaneous Words in the Spirit

"I want you to know I'm with you always" (repeated 4 times)
"with you even when you feel alone;
with you even when you feel intimidated;
with you even when you have your back to the wall;
with you even when you feel no one else understands;
with you even in the heat of battle;
I'm with you always - do not let your hand flinch from grasping the sword in the battle;
strengthen your hand to grab the sword I've given you;
when you come into combat against the enemy, I've called you to wield the sword of the spirit;
called you not to be fearful; not to be shy"
"Don't let me hear you say, 'but I am only a woman'; 'I am only young' - the Lord your God is with you always. Let it be your confidence in battle! I AM with you ALWAYS!"

John F: "What is your response? Father, again we say we will grasp the handle of that sword - going forwards with you our God because you are magnificent - you are our God!"

Scriptures brought during offering:
Carol: (Revelation 19:11-16)
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

Beverley: (Psalm 121)
I lift up my eyes to the hills— where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Sarah: (John 14:1-2)
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms;" (and John 14:12-13)
I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

Micky gave his testimony of healing:
Having lost his sight on 24th April this year, he was scheduled for an operation last Friday. Meanwhile he had been anointed with oil and received prayers for healing. When he attended for the operation, the anaesthetist had put the drops in his eye and the surgeon was having a look, then decided he wanted a scan performed. When he saw the scan, he said, "I don't believe this - it's healing by itself! You don't need an operation"

John F: invited people who needed prayer for healing to come forward and receive prayer.

Paula brought another scripture: (Revelation 21:1-7)
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."
He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son."

Simon: (Psalm 51)
'Have mercy on me, O God, according to your abundant love'
It struck him that the whole gospel is encapsulated in these words. It is an appeal for mercy from those who know God. Simon referred back to John's vision of the screen - we need to seek God, to come before Him - from whatever bad place we may be (David had committed adultery). God had mercy on David because of His abundant love. If you have things blocking you from enjoying the full blessings of obedience, call out to God, who in His abundant mercy will move to you.

Saturday, 11 October 2008


A mother is not just one who gives birth
But is also one who supports and guides a life,
Celebrating the highs and especially there during the lows
Arms to hold,
a heart to love
and a head for advice.
But sometimes there's no advice.
Sometimes advice is not needed.
Sometimes the lesson is learnt
and all that is needed is for mum to be there...

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Glory and Humility

I was away for the weekend so missed the baptisms and testimonies given in church on Sunday. Tonight at Cell Group Paula told us of the mental picture she had when Josh spoke. Josh had said that even though he was a Christian, prior to coming forward for baptism, he had still felt in chains. This had conjured a picture of huge chains in Paula's mind. She read 2 Chronicles chapter 7, verses 1 - 14 to us, and spoke about how humility comes when we see the glory of the Lord - we need to fall on our knees, intercede for the nation and be humble in our hearts. She felt that the huge chains she saw signified something stopping people entering into the kingdom of God because of the state of the church. Christina read to us John F's vision (as delivered on 28th September), which reminded us of the need to humble ourselves to be freed of chains.

As a visual aid, Paula tied Dan up with thread, first with one thread (representing 'one little sin' - something that we're doing which may not seem too bad, 'after all, everyone does it') - and this one thread was easy for Dan to break out of, but then Paula bound him round and round with many threads, representing that one sin repeated time and time again, and it was much harder for Dan to break out of until in the end the thread might as well have been chains.

If we really want the Glory of the Lord to come like at the beginning of 2 Chronicles 7, we need to humble ourselves, to repent and intercede for our nation, to check our own lives - is there anything we do need to repent of?

We looked at Daniel chapter 9, about pleading in prayer, fasting, putting on sackcloth and ashes - we need to be on our knees in prayer and petition for the people we come in contact with in our daily lives.

During the time of worship, Bev had a vision of a massive shield - so large we could all crouch behind it - and she felt God wants to say to us that He wants to be our protection, a shield around us - He wants to say 'stay close to me, stay with me - I can protect you'.

Also, when Paula gave the visual aid with the thread: sin may be more about NOT doing things - we might be sitting in our place in church feeling comfortable but there could be so much more we can do as mature christians - we may need to lower our expectations, not to be consumed with all the clutter in our lives, to keep things simple, let God have that time and space, do the things we've been called to do. How can people see we're different (as per John's vision) without us allowing God space to move in our lives. Humble ourselves - make space for God.

Sunday, 28 September 2008

The Vision God Gave to John F_

Here is the vision God gave to John F_ , as delivered to the congregation today:

I have been chosen
I have been chosen
I have been chosen

I was bought at a price

God… saved… you

God, set you apart

It’s not an accident that you’re living here and it’s not an accident you’re in this church

Pete sang a worship song to God:

“I will live my life to follow you, I will live my life to worship you.”

‘Do you believe this?’

Through this church God has chosen to express his power, God has chosen to express his love and God has chosen to express his presence.

1 Peter 2:9-12 You are a chosen people

You are a holy people, called by God

You are a temple – what is the condition of your temple?

I saw two hills, one had some houses on it and the other had a huge house, a significant building, a significant place

In between the hills was a ravine and just through the hills a town and then the sea.

A cloud came down and moved forward through the hills and filled everything around me.

In the town was oppression, depression, sin and loneliness

The prominent place [significant building] had a large entrance. It had additions to the building which were part of the original design.

This significant building is The Beacon Church.

The other little houses on the other hill were other churches

God says to us, ‘I called you to be a light.’

The town is looking to the church

But the church doesn’t seem that different to them, though they look to you!

In the main room in the significant building people are worshipping Jesus – no question [they believe]

But there is a wall around the outside of them and it was a screen. There were people on the other side of that screen. There were things stopping them from living in Christ’s’ freedom. They were born again but things were stopping them and they weren’t operating in the gifts.

The people on the outside could see the inside

The people on the outside had impropriety in finance and in business

There were lies and there was deceit

There was pride

Some here have given up on their marriage partner
God says, ‘I have not given up on you! Don’t give up!
Love is not an emotion – it is an act of will!’

‘I will give you love where there is no love.’

‘Honour your father and mother whether or not they believe in Jesus.’

Some are concerned for their future

Feeling they are not of any worth

Victims of what other people have said about them

God says, ‘I will heal, I will restore.’

‘You are of worth to me.’

There was a road, hearses, funeral directors

Unless these people deal with these issues, they will go the grave still with these issues and problems!

John 8 ‘If the son shall set you free – you will be free indeed’

There were the people who are healing, releasing and forgiving and they pushed down the screen

The people behind the screen opened their arms signifying strength and there was support and encouragement

There was no condemnation
There was no judgement
There was acceptance
There was openness

The church grew

People kneeled
People repented

They said to God, ‘This is me’

There was no superiority but there was great love

The sun shone so that the magnificent building was flooded from the inside

The front of the building, the large doors had Norman style doors with huge pillars

The pillars look like hands reaching up and coming together to a point

‘The pillars are my people praying – now they understand.’

The fog lifted

The town came to the church

There was always room for more and it never filled

Marred, disfigured and mutilated bodies came to the church and the church welcomed them

They found Jesus, they found joy, they found freedom, peace and purpose

Their bodies were healed and their demeanour changed

There were rooms with various ministries from within the church

There were people being sent

Some, to plant churches

Some to the town

Some to beyond the sea

‘I will make you a sending church’

‘You will be a beacon!’

2 chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name…

Words and Vision

A real gem of a day beginning with a very misty start which quickly burnt off to reveal all the colours of autumn sparkling in the vibrant sunshine under a cerulean sky. Gorgeous - a fantastic spirit-lifter.

The gifts of the spirit flowed during the worship, particularly through those named Peter (or so it seemed to me)! Dr Peter Cu_ brought this reading from 1 Peter 2:4-6

As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For in Scripture it says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame." (NIV)

Peter felt that the Lord wanted to remind us that he is doing something in each one of us - building up each individual whilst knitting us together to build the church.

Julie S_ spoke of how we have an opportunity today to come to Jesus - he accepts us and loves us. We have choices to make. We can come with all the things in our life that hold us back, bring them to Jesus and walk away free, no longer burdened by the past, or we can choose not to come, but to walk away with all those things we came in with. Julie reminded us: draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

Paula M_ asked: "Do you believe it? The God who moves mountains; the God who rescues us from death - do you believe it?"

Peter Ca_ asked in the spirit: "Have you fathomed the mysteries of God? Do you know what Jesus did for you? Do you want to know more of my kingdom, more of my mysteries? If you know, you will want to worship me, worship the living God - there is more to know about me"

Inspired by the spirit, Pete H_ sang:
I will live my life to follow you (repeat)
I wasn't worthy of you
but you gave your life
I wasn't worthy of you
but you paid the price
Now I am worthy
Do you see what He has done?
If you believe Him
It does something in you
Do you believe it?
Will you live for it?
I will live my life in worship to you (repeat)
I will give my life in worship to you (repeat)

Nigel S_: God laid a blanket of the Holy Spirit over us today - He wants to speak to His church. He is softening our hearts to hear from him.

John F_ described his vision about a section of the church members being screened off, not fully available, not fully known, not able to play a full part because of something holding them back, whether impropriety in finance or business, having given up on a marriage (to those, the Lord says: "You may have given up on your marriage, but I haven't given up on you!"), lies, deceit, duplicity or pride, etc. Invited anyone who felt they fitted into any of these categories of people screened off from the rest to come forward and kneel in obedience.

After people responded to John F_'s vision and call:
Nicola: "God's heart is breaking - love is pouring out - huge joy at your response – but for many this is just the beginning – in some cases there are actions that you need to do to follow up your response. God is faithful and will walk alongside you as you do what needs to be done."

Sally: "As you kneel, you reveal your soles - your soles needed re-soling - when re-soled, you should walk taller, in a different direction - likewise kneeling in surrender reveals your soul - God has re-souled you - no longer the same broken down - arise anew.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Cell Group

Cell division, so Wikipedia tells me, is a process by which a Cell divides into two or more daughter cells. Thus our Cell group, once again having grown to the point where it was too large to meet in normal sized living rooms any more, has divided into two, one led by Christina Mc_, the other led by Micky & Carol, with Roger and Chris overseeing all three cells in their locale.

This week Christina invited us each to bring a proverb to the meeting. I read out the following proverb and offered three 'preaching points':

Proverbs 21:23 He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.

Prayer gossiping: we know gossip is wrong. We need to be careful when asking for prayer for somebody else that we don't reveal confidential information about that person or his/her situation without having first sought his/her permission. It's important not to use intercessory prayer times as a cover for gossip, and to keep confidential any information that you hear during an intercessory prayer session - to guard your tongue and not pass it on.

Vows: Be careful to guard against uttering a vow you may later regret. In the New Testament (Matthew 5:36 - 38) Jesus warns us not to make vows, but to let our 'yes' be 'yes' and 'no' be 'no'. In Mark 6:21-26 we have the cautionary tale of Herod who vows to give the daughter of Herodias whatever she asks in reward for her dancing, and prompted by her mother, she asks him for something he really didn't want to give, the head of John the Baptist.

Negative remarks which may blight our own lives: Sometimes we're inclined to be negative about ourselves, eg. recently at dance class I've heard myself say things like "I can't remember the steps" , "I always get this bit wrong", etc. The mind is a powerful thing - our own ears are hearing every word we say and inadvertently we may be inviting the very result we don't want by giving voice to these negative thoughts. Better to find the positive and say that: for example, "I can do this if I try".

Sunday, 29 June 2008


Amongst the many words brought before the service this morning, Janet B_ spoke about marking exam papers and how the significance of her actions for the children's future struck her. She reminded us that God isn't looking at the imperfections in us - rather he is looking and thinking, "You are my child and I love you". That God sees us through what Jesus did - so much more important than any exam.

Katia Y_ had a mental picture of a room which looked almost ready, almost right for something special to take place except that there was a bouquet of flowers left there although they were dead. She felt God offering an invitation that He wants to breathe new life into you; to bring colour back into your life, or if you don't know Jesus, He wants to change your life from B/W to colour.

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Revelation 21:4-6

Many times I have felt prompted to write down the words that we receive in church before the sermon. The sermon is recorded and made available as a podcast, yet as far as I know, the words that are brought beforehand go unrecorded (except perhaps on an occasional basis by one or two individuals). Now I'm thinking I might make a point of recording these so we can refer back to them.

Today Rachel D_ brought us this: I had a picture of a man, who was only wearing a tshirt, combat trousers and a dogtag, running through a battlefield and he was dodging bullets, and bombs were falling all around him ... but he wasn't wearing any armour and I felt God was saying "where is your armour?"
(We are reminded in Ephesians 6:10-17 to put on the full armour of God)

Simon B_ asked us if any of us would call ourselves runners, and went on to suggest that we are all 'runners', although not necessarily in a physical sense: Hebrews 12:1.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us...”
Here, in his own words, is what Simon told us:
I had been for a run and part way round I felt something in one of my shoes. I knew that it wasn’t in the shoe, so stopped to check what it was. I saw in the sole of my shoe what looked like a small stone had become fixed into the tread. When I pulled it out I found that it was a sharp stone that had penetrated through the full heel of my trainer to reach the sole of my foot on the inside. As a runner I knew that I needed to sort this problem out soon or I would face an injury later. The same is true for our Christian lives – they are like a long-distance run. We need to guard our lives so that as we become aware of issues we do something about it quickly. Failing to do so will only mean an increase in the consequences for us in the future.

In addition, to be able to run effectively you need to keep well hydrated –this keeps you alert, energised and it is even possible to enjoy the experience! The same is true with our Christian lives – we need the continual refreshing of the water of the Holy Spirit to stay effective. This will help keep us aware of potential problems and we can deal with them in a timely way.

Stuart W_ brought us a reading from Isaiah 40.27 - 31. He felt this might be for someone who has been praying very hard about a situation or someone in their life. Stuart says:
I felt we had been praising Creator God (v 28b) and that verse was appropriate but the verses go on to encourage those who are "feeling the heat of the day" and are looking to the Lord to renew their strength.

It reminded me of the Almighty God in whom we trust and whose mighty power gave birth to our universe. By the word of his power he brought into being all the natural things that we know. He spoke and the world was formed. Heb.11.3 says " that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. God, at that moment of reading the verse, seemed to pop into my head the truth that he is the God of the impossible. That prayers that seem to go unanswered and we are on the verge of believing to be impossible, are possible, and if we are praying God's will to be done, will be done. Just as God did the impossible (humanly speaking), making something out of nothing, can and does bring about His will in answer to our prayers. What an amazing God we worship! Keep on praying with faith.

A lady whose name I don't know brought a word about true worshippers: 'Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks' (John 4:23) People with hearts surrendered to God, people who are prepared to lay everything down at the altar and lift their hands in surrender.
Pete H_ was preaching from Mark 14 and commented on this word about the True Worshipper - could it be coincidental that this was the title of his sermon today?