Sunday 19 July 2009

Guest Service & Baptism

Pete C_: I have a picture for somebody here. As a child you had something special to you, something you held precious. That thing became less valuable to you as you got older - recently you went up in the loft and found it. I feel God would say to you through this picture, "Once I was of value to you but have been pushed out - I want to come back into your life - I'm something to be with you throughout your entire life, I'm not something just for your childhood - I want to be with you"

Chris B_ shared his testimony with the congregation:

I come from a C of E background that started before I was ten. No baptism was taught there. Over the years I had several challenges but did not respond. I eventually left the church I was in, and spent about 7/8 years outside any church or fellowship.

Earlier this year I went to Adrian, to discuss if there was anything that could be done spiritually to help my daughter. When we parted he gave me an invitation to the Easter Sunday service, and later on I decided to go.

Why I responded to the offer of baptism.
The first thing was that someone asked me if I was baptised in the Spirit and I said I was. Later I realised that was not exactly the case but the idea lingered.
Then Mark made the offer and my right arm just went into the air. My brain was in shock, but my heart knew it was the right thing to do.
There is no argument that can be made with the Bible teaching of baptism by immersion for believers.

Very soon I had different forms of opposition, mental, physical and emotional too which made me realise that Satan was having a go, so I was encouraged and more certain than ever.
I am seeking everything that the Lord has for me, so that I can grow into the man that God sees me as.
I know I have already changed since last Easter Sunday, and others have witnessed to this, but there is so much more to come.

1 comment:

christina mckenzie said...

Great photos for a wonderful day Trish! :O)