Sunday 7 June 2009

Words during Worship

Peter C_: I feel the Lord wants me to share with you a picture I'm seeing of fire - a powerful fire. He's inviting us to draw near, He wants to melt all our inhibitions and fears. He wants you to allow His heat to 'melt your heart'. He wants to take away anything which is holding you back from really being present in the Worship now.

Ross: When we get home, we go in and we lock the doors. Some of us have locked the door to our heart - the Lord wants to enter the door to your heart, to come inside - maybe you're feeling too tired to respond - He wants to refresh you. Maybe you feel your house is too untidy and scruffy to invite Him in - He turns up with His wonderful hoover and a duster and cleans it up for you! Maybe you're scared - open your heart to the wonderful loving Father now!

Nigel: The Lord is saying to us 'Draw near' - He's inviting us to come closer to Him.

Lorraine: Temperatures in India right now are in the late 40's - it's hot, humid, sweaty. People are desperate for the rains. Later this week the monsoons will come - the people will be out there dancing in the rains, rejoicing because they've been waiting so desperately for the relief from the heat. Are we desperate, are we hungry enough for God? Holy Spirit, pour upon us like the monsoon rains - drench us in your anointing.

Simon: Had a dream of standing in a living room looking up to the sky - it was full of scriptures. He looked around the room - it was full of scriptures. He feels the Lord is saying to us through this dream that the Word needs to be in the air we breathe - it needs to penetrate the darkest places in our lives - we need to allow God's Word to go into every part of us. Our hearts have hidden treasures and the Spirit needs to enter into our hearts to reveal those treasures.

(This is what I've made of the notes I scribbled as these words were shared with us - if you feel I've missed anything significant, misunderstood or misconstrued anything, please use the comments facility - below - to record your own perception of the messages brought today. Thank you. Trish)

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